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Standing in front of the famous and widely known Fairy Tail building are 2 male siblings. The first and taller one standing at a height of 6 feet is a blonde spiky haired man of around 21 years of age. He has sky blue eyes, tanned skin. He is wearing an orange jacket with an orange pants and black combat boots. He has a white cloak on that reaches down to past his knees with red flame designs on the bottom. He is wearing a black headband with the kanji for 'Maelstrom' on it in blue. He has a black bag slung over his left shoulder. This is Naruto Uzumaki.

Beside him is a younger man of 18 years and standing at a height of 5'7 with similiar facial features except he has spiky red hair and purple eyes and 3 whisker marks on both cheeks. He is slightly muscular like his brother and is wearing a black t-shirt with a black long sleeved muscle shirt underneath, black pants and red combat boots with a red cloak reaching down to his knees with a kanji for 'Greatness' on it and is also wearing a black headband on his head. He also has blue gloves on and a bag is slung over his right shoulder. This is Kenma Uzumaki.

"So this is Fairy Tail?" Naruto asks with curiousity as he stares at the building in front of him. They had been told that Fairy Tail is the best guild to join if they were planning on joining. And it was also the guild their mother was in before she died 18 years ago.

"So this was mother's guild huh?" Kenma asks also as curious as Naruto. The two decide to check the guild out and walk in through the front door and are amazed with what they saw.

The inside of the guild was like a large lunch hall with several long benches stretching across it's length. A bar was also spotted causing Naruto to grin. Kenma looks around and sees a request board not too far from the bar. He also looks up at the second floor to see the floor was empty, surprising him since the floor they were in was really crowded so he assumed maybe it was off limits or something.

Naruto looks at the guild members as they were having one of their usual brawls. It would have been strange to him if his mother hadn't already told him that it was pretty normal, plus he didn't feel any malice so he just continued to look around. However their admiration was cut short when a chair that was thrown towards them, hits Kenma straight on the face.

"Gah!" He exclaims as he hits the ground. Naruto just chuckles as Kenma rubs his head while getting on his feet. "The hell?"

"Oh sorry about that young man, hope you're not hurt or anything." An old voice says as both boys blink before looking around for the source of the voice. "I'm down here."

Both boys then look down to see a short old man in orange. Naruto grins at that before pointing at the short old man. "You're really short." He says as Kenma nods in agreement causing the old man to sigh before facing the boys again.

"Anyway what can I do for you two?" He asks with a rather friendly smile on his face. Naruto then answers him. "Well we would like to meet the master of this guild. We wanna join."

"Well I don't see a problem with that..." He says. Both boys widen their eyes in comical surprise. "WAIT YOU'RE THE MASTER?! BUT YOU'RE SO TINY." The old man then rubs his head. "Yeah I get that a lot. Anyway the name's Makarov Dreyar, third master of the Fairy Tail guild."

"Well I'm Kenma Uzumaki and this is my older brother, Naruto Uzumaki." Kenma says. This caused Makarov's eyes to widen in shock. "Did you say Uzumaki?"

"Yeah. So you knew our mother, Kushina Uzumaki, right?" Naruto asks and Makarov nods his head. "Yeah. So you two are her kids huh? That explains why your magic felt like hers." Naruto and Kenma nod at that. "Anyway you say you wanna join the guild, right?" He asks as both boys nod.

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