7 - Snap

870 19 18


"This sounds risky..." I mumble nervously, sitting on the floor. "Are you absolutely sure you want to do this, Cat?"

"Heck yeah!" Cat practically shouts from on top of the table. "I've been wanting to do this for a while now. With you guys cheering me on, and plenty of safety precautions, this will go great!"

"Alright, alright." I raise my hands, and back down. "Geez, have you always been this loud."

"Yea, he's always been a loud one." Kas is grinning next to me. "Ye ready Cat?"

Cat doesn't even respond. He just leaps off the table.

"So what was different from last time?" You may be asking.

Well, Cat extended one of the rubber band chains, just enough so that if he were to jump off the table, he would be able to touch the ground when the rubber bands are fully stretched out. Risky, I know, but Cat did have it all planned out.

"WOOHOOO!" Cat yells as he dives toward the ground, rubber bands stretching out and slowing his fall.

He touches the ground, and gets flung right back up. We're all cheering him on, and he's doing great too. He's like a spring, bouncy and lively, shrieks of happiness coming from his mouth.

Suddenly he starts to swerve and sway. "Uh, guys!" He shouts, "The rubber bands are beginning to break!" He loses control of the bouncy rubber band chains, and he begins to swing around, like one would on a carousel.

We all panic. Kas is frozen in fear, Elijah is trying his best to instruct Cat, but we're too far away. River is trying to run towards him, but she stumbles and trips.

Cat frantically tries to climb the swinging rubber bands, and he reaches the middle, when...


I don't remember what happened in that moment.

All I remember was running towards him.

Then, I was human-sized, holding him in my cupped hands. He was shivering and near tears, possibly from the panic-inducing events that just happened.

I gently hug him to my chest. "You're safe."

And then I go rigid, slowly turning around to face my now tiny friends. Their faces are pale with fear, and I begin to realize that Cat might be afraid of me.

"I-I... Um..." I fumble, trying my best to lower my voice so that it wouldn't hurt their ears. I quickly extend my arm and drop Cat next to them, making sure he wouldn't get hurt. Then I exit my room, stepping over them. They shy away, and gaze into my eyes, terrified like mice.

"I-I'm so sorry." I whisper, and close the door.

What did I just do?

"Mom?" I call, "Dad?"

"Yes?" They both say at the same time as I walk down the stairs. They're cute, like that.

"I'm going to go on a walk." I say, "I just need some time to think about stuff."

"At this time?" Dad asks worriedly.

"I won't be long..." I call, slipping my shoes on and hurrying out the door. "Bye!"



We here the door slam behind Jake as he rushes out of the house, shaking the walls slightly. We huddle in the entrance.

"He-he can't be one of th-them!" River cries in anguish.

"He knows everything." Eli mumbles gravely. "A human knows everything about borrowers..."

I'm not talking. I'm still shaken by the whole series of events. I'd just been on the verge of death when I saw a human leaping at me.

How terrifying would that be, if you saw something so big that it could crush you in its hands?

And then he grabbed me and hugged me!

I am beyond terrified!

And now, we know that the giant is Jake. Jake, who had been so nice to us all along, was a monstrous human that could kill us all in one sweep. And it's not like we could stop him. He could go to our home - he knows where it is - and kill us all.

Why wouldn't he? Humans were killers anyways.

"...Guys?" Kas had been trying to get our attention this entire time, but our bickering was far louder.


"I'm telling you, we're doomed!"


"What do we do?!"


"Why would Jake..."


We all whip around to look at Kas, who's standing there, panting.

"Guys, have you na' looked at Jake closely before?!"

He runs over to me and shakes me by the shoulders. "He has no friends at whatever school is. He never leaves the house to go anywhere with friends. He's alone."

He continues when he reaches Eli. "He wanted friends, and with us just there, why wouldn't he want it?"

Then he charges over to River. "And we all have had an experience with Jake. Didn't ye tell us that he helped ye steal a button from his closet?"

He points at Eli. "He helped ye prank himself. He didn't need to do that!"

He looks down at himself. "I was feeling so down the other day, and he helped me feel better. If it wasn't for him, I'd probably have never told ye guys how I felt about what you did to me!"

And then he points at me. "And you. Jake just saved your life. And ye can't show him even the tiniest bit of gratitude?!"

He rants on. "And I get it! We're smaller than him! He could kill us! But he hasn't. He likes us as much as we like him! He treats us like family. Heck, he might even be protecting us from his own parents, for all we know! And we're treating him like a... like...l-like a..."

He stutters, breaking down into tears. "W-Why are you guys throwing away an en-entire friendship with one of the b-b-best people we know j-just because of one small factor!"

Eli sighs, and hugs Kas. "It's not that small... But you're right. Sorry Kas."

"Yeah." I mumble, reaching over and taking his hand in mine. "But what do we do?"

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