A/N: Is It Over?

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Hi, people who found this story, and read through the first part. of this story:

Thank you. Sincerely, I cannot express my gratitude enough. This was just a fun little project that I never expected would gain the traction that it did.

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Well, why am I wrapping up The Biggest of Them All?

What's with that?

For one, it just doesn't flow right with me anymore. If you've looked at nearly any of my other works, you'll know that I like writing in third person. It gives me (personally) more writing flexibility - and I'm more comfortable with it that way. The Biggest of Them All was my dip into first-person writing... and I haven't liked the result.

In addition, the plot was never planned out, really. I was just on the "go with whatever works" track, and now, with the plot, conflict, and even main antagonists unknown, suddenly I've added way too many hints at a larger conflict that I don't even know about.

Secondly... I've lost interest. G/T was my thing. My "comfort genre", if you will. There are issues with it, sure - *cough, cough, VORE and other INAPPROPRIATE THINGS, cough cough*, but despite all its problems, I could find genuine gems in there. Fire-Redhead's Stranded on a Tiny Planet, nightmare06's Brothers Apart, all of Slide-to-Open's wonderful stories...

But my own stories feel bland. Not only does it feel like I haven't understood the art of "size difference writing", but it feels like I can't write G/T that well. Everything feels bad; chalk it up to self deprecating thoughts, sure, but I don't like how this story turned out. It became more of a slice-of-life, when I wanted it to be more adventure-esque.

So, what's next?

I'm going to rewrite The Biggest of Them All.

Here's the new cover

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Here's the new cover.

Whether or not I get it done in a year, in a decade, or by the time I die, I do plan on finishing this one. And this one will be better planned out, whether I like it or not.

Writing isn't really my thing anymore. I've been down in Blender hell for the past few months, learning to 3D model and all that jazz. Maybe I'll incorporate it into this story. Who knows? I'm going to do my best to make sure this story gets its happy ending.

Bye for now.

- PeepoJuice6

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