The Goodbyes

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Isabella's pov
When he came back upstairs with my water. He had a sad look on his face.

Oh god is he regretting it. Did I do bad. Why is he looking at me like that.

He sat down next to me and handed me the glass of water. I took a sip as he started talking. "I have to leave to run my kingdom. That's why I originally agreed to come here. Something about 'coming of age' or whatever..."

I started to cry I couldn't help it he was leaving me here alone to deal with life without him.

I sobbed uncontrollably and he took the glass of water from my hands pulled me into his lap and talked into my hair soothingly as he started to rock back and forth trying to get me to stop crying "isa I'm so sorry, you know I would stay if I could. I'll try to come back as soon as I can... but that might be a while..." I nodded "at least try... please" I said looking up at him with pleading eyes.

He nodded his head and promised that he would come back one day. He laid back and l put my head on his chest I listened to his heartbeat as I drifted off to sleep.

~the next morning~

I woke up before him and decided to let him sleep for a few more minutes. A few minutes passed and I watched his chest rise and fall. I turned feeling the sticky mess in-between my legs and grimaced. Eventually I pulled myself up and, I made a few flowers to put in his now fully dry, curly red hair.

I decided that I had to wake him so he could get back to his kingdom and so no one in the house would see him.

I traced his jaw and cheek bones then kissed him on the lips. He slowly opened his eyes and wrinkled his nose as he woke up. "I could get used to this." He said with a tired smile "get used to what." I asked "waking up next to you" he said as he pulled me down to lay on his chest again. I smiled and nodded "I could get used to waking you up" he smiled and pulled me in for a kiss I pulled away and said "you have to leave" his smile faltered and he nodded his head as he got up.

Flowers fell from his head and he chuckled quietly and whispered "did you put flowers in my hair" I smirked and said "maybe, do you like them." He put a hand on my chin and said "their perfect" my heart fluttered when he said that. There was something different in the way he said it. Nothing like the way abuela says it. I want to hear him call me that again for the rest of eternity. I never want him to leave, but he has to go.

I sigh and swish my hand in the air and vines wrap all around his waist and arms. They pick him up off the floor pull him out my window and helped him land safely on the ground.

Aaron's pov
She summoned her vines to help me down to the ground. I look at her as I descend slowly to the ground and say "I will see you again, I promise."

She nods her head clearly fighting to keep the tears down and waves me a good bye.

My bare feet hit the dew covered grass and the vines pull away from me, but not before I see a red flower pop up next to me. I know it's from her. One last goodbye gift.

I will see her again, I have to.

I run to the river and dive in. I disappear into the glistening waters of home.

Isabella's pov
I'm holding back tears as he disappears from my sight and I close my window slowly and run to my bed. I jump on it and start to sob into my pillows.

My bed doesn't feel the same without him even though he only slept here once. The pillow he slept on still smells like him like salt water but not like overwhelmingly salty it's faint and the part of the bed he was laying on is still slightly warm. He wasn't warm to the touch but he still had body heat if he was in one spot for long enough.

Soon enough I heard everyone get up and a 10 year old Mirabel knocked on my door and told me breakfast was ready.

I sighed knowing I would have to get up. I pulled myself up with all the strength I had left and walked down to the kitchen and threw some water on my face to hide my tears before walking outside to suffer through breakfast with my family knowing that he wouldn't be there to talk to at the end of the day.

A/N: be aware there will be another chapter coming later. The one I was writing got really long so I split it into 2

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