The Graveyard

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The sun woke me up and the sea in a blue robe greeted me with a happy morning. I felt cheerful. It was a long time since I woke up with such great energy and a zeal to relive my life.
The next I knew was that I had to fill my water tub and take out an outfit for my day.
I saw a charming lavender satin shirt in my luggage. Without even taking it out, I decided on my shoes, makeup and accessories.
I was relaxed, I did all my tasks with joy and heart.

"Welcome the Princess of the lilac world," I said to myself. My dress was shining and the white pearls added to its beauty. My hair and the hair of the sea were looking alike. Every time they used to come in the front, they were sent back. Well, I am not trying to be funny here. It was annoying sometimes. I locked my room and knew I had to work today. Before I could think of any other thing I reached the restaurant area. It was just in front of my room. I took some eggs, oats and fruits and sat on the chair giving me the view of the sea. As soon as I ate my first bite, I realised my other hand was empty and there was no book. The only book I carried was now given to a stranger. "The stranger," I thought of him and blushed. I decided to go to a book store first to buy something I could read while eating. I know, it sounds like a weird habit. But that's me. I finished my breakfast all on my own and felt incomplete due to the missing of my book. The next thing I had to do was to run into a book store and buy a book. I left my hotel and went to a nearby book store. I could notice just 2 men standing inside the store. Well, I couldn't believe my eyes that it was nobody but the stranger I met, standing and choosing a book.
My head just exploded with thoughts like 'was he just trying to make a conversation, is that why he asked for the book?'
I couldn't resist and snap at him.
'You have no idea how hard it was for me to give you my favourite book, and there you are... standing in the store, buying a new book, disrespecting the book you took from me!' I yelled.
'Well, no matter what, you don't have to shout at me like that, miss... whatever! If you want I can bring you back the book like right now, but you don't have to disrespect me in front of the world!' he said.
'That would be great, I would wait for you... the book, in the same place where you came and disturbed me while I was busy having coffee and a gala peaceful time'
He didn't say a word afterwards. He nodded his head and probably walked in the direction where his home was. Right after a minute, I felt awful for yelling at him and asked him to stay back.
I apologised for my behaviour and he took it pretty nicely. He offered me a cup of coffee and some peaceful time. I was guilty and couldn't say a no.
He behaved like a gentleman, no matter what.
He asked me to walk on his left side so he faces the road and the traffic. He opened the door for us and followed my lead.
We ordered coffee for me and a cup of green tea for him. He wasn't just handsome, but healthy as well.
'What has been upsetting you this much? I assume this anger was just not because of me standing in the book store even after borrowing a book from you'
Well, you said it right, so, I am working as a story writer in a famous magazine and I have been running out of ideas for a long time. I came here all over from Delhi and I am not able to write a single word. I couldn't think of any story.
His face was still energetic and positive. At a point his expressions and body language made me stay positive as well.
'Well, I am sorry, I know I am going to work out well figure it out well'
'It's all right, believe me, I know it happens! Why don't we grab some ice creams and walk by the shore?'
I wanted to work but I couldn't say a no in this situation as well. This time not because of guilt but it was just me, I wanted to be with him. That was probably because I finally met someone who wasn't interested in my personal life and just wanted to talk and spread positive energies.
We went to the beach, it was amazing. There was the sun and heavy grey clouds that could shower any time. The beach was pretty crowded. We talked about Shakespeare that day. Well, it was a conversation that could fill anybody's heart with the urge to fall in love.
I can not tell you all, but we discussed Sonnet 116 for more than 5 hours.
" Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark "
I wish I could tell you what these lines mean to me. I mean, no matter how much we show our perspectives on the idea of love, no matter how much we change the literal meaning of love; the roots never seem to change. Even though the 21st century has changed its need when it comes to staying with a partner but yet there are people still looking forward to meeting someone who could make them happy and mentally stable. Well, I am one amongst them. But I am doubtful if I will ever found this.
Let's not change the track, let me take you back to the year I met ....... whoops! we didn't exchange our names till then.
It was almost 6 pm. Trust me, we just survived on 3 ice creams and no food. We saw the sunset all over again and I was super obsessed with it. He asked me out for a dinner. This time, I had no option but to say a yes. I was pretty hungry.
We went to a fine restaurant and had the best seafood. After all, it was night again and we both were exhausted. We both wanted a tight sleep and returned to our bedrooms.
It was the night, almost 11 pm and I couldn't get over the stranger and suddenly I realised I do not even know his name.
It was funny yet profound.
The next morning I went straight to the cafe to grab the best coffee in Goa and started writing on my new love story.
It was based on a mysterious love. Well, why should I tell you the story? Heh.
I sat in the cafe for more than two hours. Every time the door used to open, I would tilt my eyes a little to look at the guest. Maybe my heart wanted to see Mr. stranger again.
I closed my eyes, took a long breath and walked towards the beach. Before I went on the road, I asked the old lady to guide me to the correct road as there were 4 roads near me and I was kind of confused. Before the lady helped me, she asked me, 'where is your boyfriend today?' And giggled.
I blushed and replied with an expression. Then she told me that the first road on my left would take me to the side where I had hotels, the second lane on my left had just one destination which was the graveyard. The first lane on my right would take me to the shopping centres and the lane next to it would direct me to the beach.
Well, I took the road straight to the beach and voila, guess what I saw there.
Yes yes, My stranger in white bold pants was standing facing the sea. I went there and surprised him. I could see happiness in his eyes.
'Are you stalking me, young lady? ' he laughed.
Well, I thought that was pretty disrespectful but I took it funnily and acted normal.
I told him about the progress I made. He felt proud and handed over a letter to me.
I was shocked to see the letter's title. However, the letter looked a little torn. I thought it took courage for him to give me this.
'Well, let me read it out for you,' he said.

" Hey,
It's not that I was willing to write a love letter for you, but this heart of mine is stubborn as you. I never thought I would be writing this letter mentioning my love for you but the only thing I thought, or ever wanted to implement was to STAY HONEST WITH YOU.
As I said, I will be honest. Let me take you back to the time when I first saw you. It's the third or fourth day of our meeting and I am giving you this, and I have no regrets to do so.
It's not about your looks, your money or your fame, but about the energies, I get from you. Of course, your charm acts like a cherry on the cake but not every time we desire the cherry.
I am sitting in a room with roses around. They make me feel your presence and therefore I would want to ask you to make a promise to me.
"Will you always stick with me?"
"Will you be always mine?"
I want to write a lot but I would first wait for you to make these promises.
I believe loyalty is not something which we manifest on the face in words, it is an action we practice on the back.
This is the first promise I would like to make to initiate our bond, our love.
Can not wait to see you, again!
There is a special way to answer this letter, and I will tell you how to get to me! Just follow my lead once you read it!
I love you, I do"

I was stunned for a minute. I was baffled. I wanted to reply but I was speechless. That was the grand proposal I ever wanted. I couldn't breathe and was dying inside.
Well, before I could speak, he looked at me and said,
'I will ask you to take you out tomorrow and would request you to follow my lead. I will meet you at 7 am right here at the beach. '
He turned around and walked away.
I was shocked and couldn't even say a bye.
'What should I call you?'
He shouted from a distance,
'Rose' I whispered
Probably twenty more people overheard our conversation and voila! I was known by everyone now.
Well, I didn't think of this at that time.
I rushed to my hotel and slept.
Yes, I slept without taking a shower or changing my clothes.
Another morning, the one thing I knew was to just get dressed and leave as soon as possible.
I reached exactly 7 minutes late. He was standing in the formal clothes. I was expecting he might propose to me to marry him as well, which was something I was so excited about. Heh.
'Here you are, Rose. Come follow me'
I followed him for 5 minutes and we didn't exchange even a word. We came in front of the cafe and he took the lane which was going to the graveyard, as per the old lady. I was getting a bit conscious. I was wishing I was wrong.
10 minutes later, we arrived at a place. There were a lot of bushes and I couldn't see what it was. It felt like a green park. I thought there must be a waterfall somewhere inside.
Well, you guys might not like what happened next.
It was a graveyard. Yes, he made me enter a graveyard. I was so afraid, I had goosebumps all over, and I suddenly recalled a moment of a story where the poor lovers used to go to the graveyard to make babies. Well, neither of us was poor.
Well, the next thing I saw was a grave with "Tempest" by Shakespeare (First edition) kept over it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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