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First Day Back; Yay.

❝ i give you my word ❞

❝ i give you my word ❞

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Another morning at Midtown Science High School started as the sun rose, the students within it dragging their feet to get to their respective classes. Zoe Gray Monat was among them, her red hair tied up in a messy bun. She walked side-by-side with her best friend Carter Knox, a black haired boy with a big personality, to her first period class.

"You know, you're gonna have to pick a career at some point, Zo," Carter broke the silence between the sleepy teenagers. Zoe sighed, glancing at her best friend.

"You know I can't, Carter. Not at least until Nolan is old enough to get a job himself so he can take care of himself," she told the Eurasian. Zoe's eyes caught sight of her other friend, Gwen Stacy, and ran up to her before Carter could bug her more about her future.

"Morning, Sunshine," Gwen teased the redhead, knowing she was not a morning person.

"Morning, Gwen. How was your break?" Zoe asked the blonde. They had just gotten back from winter break and were now starting a new quarter in the middle of March.

"Uneventful to say the least. My dad was busy most of it, tracking people and such," Gwen explained. Her father, Captain George Stacy, was a police officer. "What about your's?"

"Meh, hung out with Carter a little bit. Mostly working, but I took a day to do some photography work."

The girls continued their conversation, Carter joining them after a little, and headed out to the courtyard of the High School; grateful that their privileges as seniors allowed them to have off periods. Though this wasn't an off period at the moment, the girls liked to spend their time before classes outside in the fresh, almost spring weather.

"I don't get why you both like to be outside. It's freezing!" Carter complained as he sat next to the girls on a bench, holding his arms and rubbing them.

"It's fifty degrees out, Carter. Last time I checked, that wasn't freezing temperatures," Zoe teased. She sent him a small smile. "But you are more than able to go inside to your first class if you don't want to be out here."

"On second thought, it's not so bad out here," Carter shrugged, lowering his hands. The two girls laughed at their friend, Zoe's head tipping back as she giggled; unaware of her admirer across the courtyard.

Peter Benjamin Parker was a quiet kid, brown hair and eyes. He loved science, photography, and most of all, Zoe Gray Monat. He's had a crush on her since elementary school, the two being close friends back then. Nothing bad had happened between them to make them not friends, they just grew apart; to Peter's disappointment.

He watched solemnly as the trio across the courtyard laughed and talked, wishing he too was with them. He found himself smiling and imagining himself with the group, also laughing and chatting with his fellow seniors. But alas, he was alone. Until he felt a sharp pain against his head.

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