Chapter six.

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"Batter up!" Ham yells. I walk up to the plate. It's been three week since I found out I had cancer and I still haven't told the guys. Benjamin kept his mouth shut, too. Kenny pitched and I hit. It didn't fly over the fence. Smalls caught it. My arms were getting weaker and weaker every day. I haven't been eating much.
"What the hell was that, Jo?" Squints yelled.
"Yeah, yeah. What's gotten into ya?" Yeah yeah said.
I shrugged. "I guess I'm off of my game today, huh?" I started playing with my ponytail. I was hoping the guys wouldn't notice my growing bald spot on my head.
"Hey, uh, let's take a break guys." Benjamin said. The guys mumbled and walked to the dugout. Ben ran over to me.
"Wanna go home? You're not looking to hot."
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Will you talk to me, please?"
I stayed silent.
"Look, how about we go see a movie or something? Go to the park, or the pool."
"I wanna go home, but I don't wanna be alone." I said, looking at the ground. Ben chuckled. He placed his hands on my shoulders.
"I'll come over, yeah?"
I nodded.
"Hey fellas!" He yelled to the guys. "Calling it short today."
"What? Why?!" Smalls yelled back.
"Long day. We'll pick it up tomorrow." He looked back at me.
"Jump on my back." He said. I walked to the other side of him and did just that. I nuzzled my head into his neck.
"Don't fall asleep on me now."
I grunted and he laughed.


Ben and I ended up watching tv for hours. My mom and dad had a dinner for work so they would be out for a long time. My head was rested on bens shoulder.
"I'm bored." I stated. Bens turned his head to look at me.
"What do you wanna do, then?" He replied. I shrugged my shoulders. Ben sighed.
"That's it! We're going to get ice cream." He said. Soon I had lifted in the air and placed on his shoulder. I didn't struggle. I was to tired to.

We didn't even go out. He carried me to my fridge and took the ice cream out of the freezer. I grabbed two spoons and he opened the lid. I handed him a spoon and he started eating.
"Ya know, this is interesting."
"What is?" I asked while scooping some of my own.
"You refuse to eat anything besides ice cream. Why?"
"Because it's ice cream. You never refuse ice cream." I said while pointing the spoon at him. He chuckled.
"There's the Jo I know." He said.
"And love?" I asked jokingly. He snorted.
"Of course." He smiled.
"You did not!" He laughed. We were back at the bridge and playing 20 questions. I had just told him that during Christmas my friends dared me to make a snow angel. Naked. With only a hat a mittens. I did it.
"Yeah! I did! I almost got frostbite on my back!"
"Oh my god! That's awesome!" He said while laughing.
"Yeah. After that I was known as the "tenth grade do anything" girl. You don't know how many guys came up to me after that."
"Yup. Every single one of them got a good kick in the balls."
That's when Ben lost it. Rolling on the ground laughing. I was laughing too.
"Ok, ok! What's the craziest thing you've ever done?" I asked.
"I ran around my school with nothing but my boxers." He replies. I roll my eyes.
"That's not crazy." I say. Bens head slowly turns to to face me.
"Excuse me? Both of ours included nudity." He says. I roll my eyes.
"Mine involved full on nudity. You had boxers on."
Ben scoffed.
"Yeah whatever."
I raise my eyebrows.
"Ok then. If you're gonna act like that, I'm leaving!" I say as I get up and start running away.
"Oh no you don't! " I hear him yell. I laughed and ran through the trail. I could hear Bens footsteps behind me. The sound was getting louder and louder. I soon felt a arm wrap around my waist. We had just made it out of the trail.
"Gotcha!" Ben yelled while picking me up and spinning me around. I giggled.
"Stop!" I said laughing. Ben put me down and turned me around. Two seconds later, his lips were on mine. I smiled and kissed him back. His hands rested on my hips and my arms wrapped around his neck. We didn't move. It was quiet and peaceful. That is until we heard a familiar voice.
"Holy shit."

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