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Day Fourteen 

Luanne positioned her camera as they drove into the town of Taos, New Mexico. The small town seemed movie like and she wanted to capture every image as Josh drove past. She agreed to let him drive this morning after driving them a little past the border yesterday. Josh's eyes were trying to stay focused on the road but he took a peek toward the girl beside him. Her camera was held close to her face but he could still see her toothy smile. 

"Welcome to Taos Luanne Faye." His voice was gentle as she turned her attention toward him. 

"I wish we could stay for a day. How far are we from Santa Fe?" Luanne held tight as Josh slammed on the brakes pulling out his phone. 

"Why don't you go and look in that store for a second? I just have to do something really quick." Josh said not watching her as he typed rapidly. 

Danny, Jake, Sam, and Emmie all were in the car driving along the highway when Jake let out a laugh. Emmie craned her neck forward to see his phone. 

"Guess who is doing an overnighter by themselves?" Jake called out shocking the younger pair in the back seat. 

"Where the hell are they even at?" Danny questioned as Emmie thrust her phone forward revealing Luanne's location. 

"They're in a little town called Taos. I never let her turn her location off. I would like to go in on that bet with you, Jake. I bet $40 that they say 'I love you' by Day 29. One day before they have to separate making it worse." Emmie caught Danny's surprised eyes in the rearview mirror before smiling. 

"You're on Briggs. Let's just hope they make it to Santa Fe and don't run off into the sunset together. We have shows to do." Danny peered at the two behind him seeing their interlocked hands and the blonde's feet thrown over his best friend's legs. They had no idea he and Jake had a bet for them too. 

Luanne ran her finger along a handmade dream catcher not bothering to worry about Josh. She trusted him to take care of Penny and their stuff. The door bell ringing made her jump as it was only her and the shop owner inside. She heard that familiar voice talking to the owner at the counter turning her head. Josh was leaning on the countertop charming the older woman with his chin resting in his hand. Luanne couldn't help but chuckle watching him. His hair was wilder than normal from the top being down and his shirt disheveled revealing a portion of his stomach. He was unapologetically Josh. 

"What did you find darling?" He had made his way over to her and placed an arm around her waist bringing her toward him. 

"Where is my car Josh Kiszka?" 

"At the hotel two buildings over. I talked to Jakey and told him we would be staying the night so you could enjoy the town. We will meet them in Santa Fe tomorrow." Josh had that lopsided grin again and she felt her face grow warm. 

She leaned into the boy placing her head to his chest before walking through the rest of the store Luanne tugged him along with their fingers locked together. She used her free hand recording him as he tried on different shirts putting on a fashion show. Everything she thought Josh was when he approached her in Montana was far from what he truly was. His soul was pure hidden beneath his goofy and chaotic exterior and she was honored to see it. 

When they took their haul to the counter the older woman smiled at the two of them. 

"You got a cute little honey here. Hold tight to him sweetie. They don't make em like him anymore." The woman warmly smiled toward Josh causing his face to heat. 

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