The fifth Blight

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"Must we look through these grey warden ruins Morrigan, this is so tedious. We shouldn't be this far from the hut it is not safe" says a black haired elven man.

"If you are so worried about the darkspawn dear brother, then why don't you fly around the area and see if we are in danger and check on that group of men I saw earlier". says Morrigan.

"Very well, I will return when I have surveyed the area, try not to get in trouble sister". Says the the elf before transforming into a silver owl and fling off.

"Such a show-off. Be safe Heron" Morrigan says.

A beautiful silver owl soars above the brecillan forest. Swarms of hideous creatures travel the forest looking for mortal flesh to consume. The owl circles around the forest seeing a group of four men struggling against a band of darkspawn. A young blonde man that has the bearing of a templar, a rogue a knight and what seems to be a noble man in plate armor. Intrigued the owl swoops down and rips the eyes out of a few genlock archers. Tipping the battle in favor of the humans once the fight is over. I land on the shoulder of the blonde.

He looks at me with warm brown eyes and lifts his hand towards me asking for my permision to pet me. I nod a little causing him to smile. His finggers  through the feathers on my chest. I preen at him rubing my cheek against his. He blushes at my actions. I let out a cry and jump off his shoulder flying around the group trying to get their attention.

"I think your friend wants us to follow her Alistair" says the noble looking man.

"You want us to follow you girl" asks Alistair.

GIving a sharp cry as confermation I begin fly towards the grey wardens ruined outpost. I use my magic to keep us shielded from the darkspawns gaze.

"Are you seeing this, we are passing by the darkspawn unseen. It's witchcraft I tell ya" says the rogue of the party.

"I really don't care as long as we can get to the outpost faster, and with less injuries then what we already have". Says the nobleman.

"Maybe it's one of those witches of the wilds, the ones from the legends. They ensnare men in the woods with their dark magic", says the one that looks like a knight.

As I see the tower I fly ahead and land on morrigan shoulder and tell her telepathicly about the group that I have led here. She nods with a smirk. Hiding in the shadows she waits for the men to approach.

Seeing the dilapidated tower the men make sounds of disgust causing me to shoot lowly. Morrigan smiles and steps out of the shadows.

"Well, well, what have we here? Are you a vulture, I wonder? A scavenger poking amidst a corpse whose bobes were long since cleaned?"

"Or merely an intruder, come into these darkspawn-filled wilds of mine in search of easy prey?"

"What say you, hmm? Scavenger or intruder?" she says walking closer to the group with me on her shoulder.

"I am neither. The grey wardens once owned this tower" says the noble looking man.

"Tis a tower no longer. The wilds have obviously claimed this desiccated corpse. I sent Heron to watch your progress "where do they go I wondered". "why are they here?" she says while walking around the group. "And now you disturb ashes none have touched for so long. Why is that?

"Don't answer her. She looks chasind, and that means other may be nearby" warns the blonde knight.

I let out a hooting laugh. "You fear barbarians will swoop down upon you? says Morrigan with sarcasm.

"Yes, swooping is bad". says the blonde

"She's a sithc of the wilds, she is! She'll turn us into toads!" says the rogue looking man.

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