Should I Call It A Date

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I felt a slight poking at my face. I swatted it away, half asleep, but the poker came back. I kept my eyes closed, but shut them even more, trying to focus on what was poking me and trying to go back to sleep. Then I heard it.


I shot up, "Feliciano! What the hell!" He was kneeling next to my bed, fully awake. He's a morning person. It's annoying as hell. All I want in the morning is to be left alone but he's always jumping around in the kitchen singing and asking me about my dreams. It was Saturday and I had planned to do some major sleeping in. Especially so I could make up for the lack of sleep from last night.

He tilted his head, as if he forgot why he had to come wake me up in the first place, but then he lit up stupidly. "Oh si! Mama told me to tell you that if you don't wake up soon, you'll be late for work!"

"Shit!" I cursed as I jumped out of the bed and rushing past Feli, knocking him down in the process. I forgot about work! I quickly threw some pants on and my employee shirt. I fixed my hair carefully as I looked at myself in my mirror and made sure I looked hot as always. Not that I need to try. It just comes naturally. I thanked myself for taking a shower last night, I didn't have time for one today. I grabbed some cologne, Italian of course, and lightly sprayed my self. I was about to dash downstairs when Feli spoke up.

"Fratello! You're not wearing any shoes!" he pointed at my feet, as if he was feeding from my need to hurry.

"Fuck!" I slipped on some socks and got into my sneakers. Then, I dashed out the door. I went down the stairs, two at a time. I heard my grandpa laugh at me, but I didn't stop to bitch. In the kitchen, my mom decided to state the obvious.

"Hurry up Lovino. You shouldn't be over sleeping when you have responsibilities" and blah blah blah. I grabbed my breakfast and shoved it down my throat. Once I was done, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and do any last minute stuff. I splashed my face and breathed as I looked at the wall clock. I had managed to catch up with time. I grabbed my phone and headed over to the orphanage.

As I pulled up in the parking lot, I felt my stomach go into a gymnastics routine. I was in such a rush that I forgot about seeing Esmeralda here. I felt really awkward about facing her...especially with what happened when she took care of my face and my thoughts from last night. I cleared my throat and yawned. Damn, I really should've picked up some coffee in my way here. I rubbed my eyes and sat there for a moment, almost falling asleep. It took everything I had to drag my ass out of my car and into the building.

Immediately the sound of laughing and screaming children filled my ears. I remember the first time that happened. I was really confused and thought a movie was playing, but now, the noise is familiar. Esmeralda is unexpectedly wonderful with kids. I never knew she could be so patient. I wondered about what was going to happen when her sentence was up and she had to leave. Would the children go back to being depressing and gloomy? Most likely, I don't do anything to make them happy, so everything will go back to the way it was.

I checked in and walked into the large room everyone was in. I yawned once more as a little girl ran right past me, almost knocking me out of balance. The room was insane! They looked like they were having the time of their lives. They were chasing each other and laughing at the top of their lungs, but strangely, they were all behaving...Esmeralda couldn't yell at them because there was no reason to! No one was being violent, no one was being mean, no one was dancing on the tables, nothing was being thrown. Just a game of hide and seek and tag going on at the same time.

Speaking of Esmeralda, I saw her sitting at one of the tables getting gum out of a little girls hair. The concentration on her face was intense. I wondered how the girl got gum in her hair. I looked at the time out corner and saw a little boy. I smirked, knowing he was guilty.

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