Bonnie was like your anchor to the ground. He kept you from fading back into your thoughts, though he voiced many of them. Mainly about the adults night, to your relief. He didn't press about Monty - you guessed he had the sense it was private. And he was right. Even though Monty had told you about what was going on with him out right, and you hadn't forced him to do so, you still felt like you'd invaded his privacy and it wasn't something you were supposed to know. It still baffled you that he had the courage to tell you something like that. He was a hell of a lot braver than you were.
"The best thing about the adult night is that those demon-gremlin hybrids won't be running around our feet as per usual," You said, refusing to say 'children' - it made those creatures sound dainty and tame.
You'd taking to bullying toddlers (not something you were proud of as a young adult) instead of talking about anything serious. Working out the specifics of your late-night fundraiser with Bonnie wasn't something you were really up for, but Bonnie definitely seemed to be. He wasn't tired at all - constantly, you forgot that Bonnie was a animatronic and the closest thing to 'sleep' or 'fatigue' was low battery."You know, Y/N, kids aren't as bad as say they are." Bonnie said, "sure, they can be a little noisy and can climb on your back and stick used gum in your ears," You could practically see the war-like flashbacks in Bonnie's eyes, " but I'm sure you'll get used to them. You used to be one, you know?" It was weird how Bonnie actually liked children. Maybe it was just his programming.
You huffed and crossed your arms over you chest, "Of course I know that - I never said that I wasn't one of those screaming monsters myself. I just grew out of it."
"Sure you did, Y/N. You might have grown up mentally, but physically..." You looked mockingly down at you, "It's not the case."
You gaped at him. Had he just insulted your height? Okay, so maybe you were a little short, and even shorter beside an animatronic. Just a little. You desperately wanted to slap Bonnie on the arm, but, after already trying it before and only hurting yourself in the process, you instead sent him a look of compete and utter fury. Bonnie smiled and laughed.
Rolling your eyes, you quickly checked your watch. It was almost midnight. It was becoming more of a struggle to keep yours eyes open.
"On the topic of kids..." Bonnie tilted his head, one brow raised, "will you ever have kids of your own?"
The way Bonnie said it made you think it had been a light-hearted question. But this was not something you wanted to answer - especially when Morgan was still lingering in your mind. Admittedly, you had wanted children when you were younger. You'd... liked the idea of having a kid. In fact, you'd been so good with kids that you'd worked at a daycare, a long time ago.
You had wanted kids with Morgan.
He didn't - and maybe that had been the start of your hatred for anything human-like that crawled on the ground.You swallowed, a weighty blanket of sadness pooling over you. 'No' was all you managed to say.
"Should have guessed. But, um- what if your partner wants kids? Random question." Again, Bonnie said it in a very 'just making small talk' type way, like it wasn't important, but he seemed to be giving you his full attention; even if he wasn't meeting your eye.
You wiped your hands on your shorts - they were still sweaty from when you'd been meeting with Monty. Why were you sad about this topic? You just didn't want kids. Simple. If your partner wanted kids, they wanted kids. Simple. You'd have to work out a compromise. A compromise that you and Morgan had never really been able to do, even though you had tried and tried again.
You were tempted to not reply, but the silence was a little too loud and Bonnie was probably expecting an answer from you. So, with a soft exhale, you willed yourself to speak.