omigosh eluuunnnerrrr

106 3 1

fijuring dat ahl hes fiends where ded, he wuz sad. den he mit dis 1 dood woos niame wuz Jakuan, Jakuan sid dat "if ur 15 im 38.6 m8" den hurreh met dis 1 dood named louiz. louiz wuz in 0.8D two. dey suun feel in luv, end l8r git murried. Karel wuz hes bezt men. dey were viry happi 2gether, but den 1 day Louizs ex naimed Elener wuz leik "omg ur so GaY Louizzzz. Liek its soz weids. u need 2 get bak 2gether with meh bc i am liek so kuuler." then Louiz shot her. Hurreh wuz stunned but soz proud of hiz newz Hubbie. Den a nearby volkano explerded end dey all deid. 0.8 directioners were almost as sad as when the dey dat deir other 0.2 left. dey oosed 2 b 1D but since 0.2 letf dey r onli 0.8D now. It's pretti sadd. oh whal. Den hurreh camed bak 2 lyfe. he wuz sed bc louiz wusnt there wiff him. fahngurls everi were were depressed end dune with evri thing. even suncents and Ugh boots.

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