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louiz took uht deh trash deh nezt dayh anhd eluner louiz-nappeded him. unce egen louiz wuz uhnder eluners evel wrath. "I REIN DEWN OHN MY ENYMES BC I AHM DEH REAHL SLIM SHADY!1!1!2!" shee said ahs shee carryed louiz to hir evel dungen to lock him away. hurruh dihdnt no dat hie wuz gone uhntil hie goht home frem recording 0.8 Directens fifth ahlbum "FIVE: we would be if Zen was here" hurruh screeched "whyyyy" ahnd maid mahny khildrens eers bleed and killed dem. den a storm started and dey all died. den they kame bak 2 lyfe and louiz hurruh and chermender went in serch 4 de majicul coople called Haq. dey culd banish eluner from dey lahnd ahnd dey wuld never have 2 dehl with hir egen. so dey walked and rode chermender to the majical mountail of Haq-landia. hurruh wuz ohld fiends of Shaq and Kevin Hart. dey met on a pline were Karel deh dawg died 4 deh first time. Hurruh askied ef dey culd banish hir buht eluner came in on a large pyle of monie bc she makes it rain thrn dey all died bc she drowneded dem. buht Haq brought dem ahl back 2 lyfe and stabbed eluner with their majical foem finger and she died again buht her invencebel squad uf sqertels brought hir back to lyfe den a vulkano appeared end louiz stahted 2 slahp eluner with a cerret and then she ate the cerret. den niell appeared and wuz cryin bc hurruh wuz a scumbahg louzer and wuz cheeting on him. louiz wuz really confuzed and deid.

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