Chapter 21: Can't survive?

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An early update!


Amato just rolled his eyes and walked towards BoBoiBoy. He gently lifted his son's body and removed the needle. He sighed. "This will keep him dormant for two days." He pointed towards the dart. "While we can run a checkup through him. I don't know what Reverse did to him." He lifted BoBoiBoy and stood. "I think your friends need a quick checkup too. Come on stop staring and help! I can't lift four teenagers at a time! And I swear I'll leave you hear considering your weight, if you fainted of shock!" Amato headed to ship carrying BoBoiBoy. Sons first!

Gopal rolled his eyes. He was clearly not happy about his weight remark. He is not fat! Just healthy! And health is a blessing, isn't it? But people wouldn't understand.

(Time skip)

The spaceship was moving in the black, empty space. Amato was driving it and Gopal was in deep thoughts.

Few minutes passed and Gopal suddenly shouted. "I know it now! You are BoBoiBoy's father!!!" Gopal started jumping like a child.

Amato sighed again. How much longer I have to spend with him. I don't know how BoBoiBoy survive days with him as his best friend. "Yes. You understood now?"

Gopal proudly huffed his chest. "Yep! I know it was hard and tricky but I never loosed hope. I struggled to find the light in the darkness, water in the fire and found it. Because he who thinks straight always get to the answer." Gopal dramatically said.

Amato rolled his eyes. 3 hours and I'm free!



"How's his condition doctor?" Amato worriedly asked as the doctor came out of the medical room.

"We've tried to get him stable. We have no idea what kind of drugs he has been given and it is not helping too." The doctor hesitated a bit and then continued. "Apparently it has affected his mentality and his body has been forced to get addict to it."

Amato raised his eyebrows and questioned about the last bit. "What do you mean? Make it clear." He ordered.

".......He can't survive without being constantly given the same drug that has been forced on him." He doctor nervously replied.


The doctor was taken back by the sudden outburst. "...S...sorry Admiral..." Then after a little thought he said. "Their is a way but their is a little chance that it will wo......." He couldn't complete his sentence because of the deathly glare an overprotective father was giving him.

"Uhh.... I was saying, that their is still a chance." He quickly changed the subject. "At the current condition, he is suffering from high temperature fevers and fatigues until he is given the drug. Giving him that will improve his initial health but not heal him the way we want. It's most likely for his memory and sense of self not to return. Since giving drug can lead to his death...." Amato again glared him. The doctor chocked his own words. "I.... I mean in short we shouldn't give him any medicines and most likely that drug. He has to fight for his health himself. It's painful and risky but we have no other option."

After saying this the doctor hurriedly measured his way and flee before Admiral can book a ticket for him to heaven. Amato just stood their digesting the words. Was his baby boy that close to leaving him? No BoBoiBoy will fight and he will make sure that he will win. Was the thought going on Amato's head.

He opened the infirmary's door and looked around to find his son on a bed with an IV attached of his hand and several machines hooked to him trying to get the drug out of his system and to ensure his heartbeat's stability and other things. He sighed and came closer to his only son and ruffled his hair. Even in an unconscious state BoBoiBoy has a hint of pain on his face. No wonder what he will feel when wakes up. I hope it's tolerable.

Fight BoBoiBoy. 🌹🌹🌹


The lines in italics are Amato's thoughts.

I was making today a double update but at the final time, backed away like a coward. 😑😑😑


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