Chapter 12

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No one's POV

Kurama dashed towards the Consolacion. Kurai did some hand signs and water appeared out of no where. Kuraudo and Hikari followed their brother. They did the same signs and different elements appeared around them. Lighting surrounded Kuraudo and fire surrounded Hikari.

The three raced towards Kurama. The attacked one after another, but Kurama reflected the attacks. Kurai, Kuraudo and Hikari looked at Kurama. He smiled and roared. He ran towards them and knocked them out in one hit into the air.

"Kurai! Kuraudo! Hikari!" Monica yelled. She did the same hand signs and snow appeared. She used the snow and covered a large area with the snow. She watched as her cousins fell and landed on the snow. She signed and looked at Cisco. She nodded to Cisco and he nodded back.

Cisco looked at Kurama. He did the hand signs that his family has been doing and crystals appeared. He ran towards Kurama and threw the crystals at him. Kurama blocked them and attacked Cisco. In one hit, Cisco was blown back into the trees. Monica looked at Kurama. Kurama looked at her and spoke.

"Come out of there." He said. Everyone looked at Naruto/Kurama. What was he talking about. Monica looked panicked.

"What do I do Yuki?" She asked the beast.

'Do you want everyone to know,besides your family, what secret you have?' She asked me.

Monica nodded her head and looked at Kurama. She let Yuki's white charka consume her. She heard everyone but her family gasp. Monica let Yuki take control of her.

"I am here Kurama." Yuki said

"Finally Yuki. Let's end this now." Kurama said.

'Remember Yuki. Only stop him.' Monica said.

Yuki waited for Kurama to come closer. Everyone watched as Kurama charged at Yuki. Yuki got into a fighting stance as Kurama was closer. Kurama jumped into the air and almost punched Yuki. Yuki stopped the punch and knocked Kurama out. Kurama's charka went away and Naruto looked at Monica/Yuki. Yuki also retreated back into Monica and she had full control of her body again.

"What happened?" Naruto asked.

"I'm pretty sure everyone wants to know what just happened here."

Monica's POV

I looked at my father. He was shocked. He never knew that I had a tailed beast within me. I should have told him, but Yuki wasn't talking to me. So I didn't tell him. That and I forgot about her. I looked at my cousins and Cisco. They knew about Yuki because Yuki was been a village secret. They nodded their heads telling me to explain what just happened.

"I know you are all wondering about what just happened. I am a Jinchurki like Naruto. I have the eleven tailed beast known as Yuki. Out of all the tailed beast, Yuki had a better conscience. As the others were making a muck, Yuki ran deep into a forest and lived in a cave.

As my clan was being more developed, they noticed that the forest started to snow. It was odd for them because it was summer. Snow doesn't appear in the summer. So they explored the forest and eventually found the cave that Yuki was living in. She was scared when they found her.

My clan didn't know what to do with Yuki. They decided to keep her a secret. She was grateful that my clan didn't tell anyone about her. She promised not to cause chaos and destruction to my clan. She guarded the clan from any danger.

Time passed and some people started to look for Yuki. My clan feared that if someone were to take Yuki, then the world would be lost in eternal darkness. The leader of my clan at that time was my grandfather. He decided that a young child would be a Jinchurki for Yuki. So every family with a young child would go to Yuki.

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