Let's Meet The Characters!

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Hey guys! So I want you to meet some of the characters that I created and added into the world of Naruto. So I'll do this, just not every other chapter. Maybe every three or four chapters. Who knows? But this will give you guys a chance to learn about the characters.

So today, you guys get to learn about Kurai! Yay! So Kurai is a Consolacion from his father or Monica's Uncle. So Kurai is basically the same age as Arianna. His parents are unknown in the book as of right know. Kurai has a younger brother, Kuraudo Consolacion, and a younger sister, Hikari Consolacion. His cousins are Arianna, Monica, and Cisco Consolacion. Kurai's father and Mari are part of the main family. Although Kurai's father has born first, somewhere along the line Mari was chosen to be the heir to the clan.

Kurai has a troublesome past from a young start. Kurai's mother hasn't been in Kurai's life after Hikari's 2nd birthday. So basically, Kurai's mother left with no trace what's so ever. Kurai has always wonder why his mother left him and his siblings. He always blamed himself for not having his mother stay with their family.

Since Kurai's mother was out of the picture, it was up to Kurai's father to raise Kurai and and his siblings. Okay. So Kurai didn't like his father at all. Kurai thinks that his father was the reason why his mother left because the father was extremely tough. On the boys. Hikari was the princess of the siblings. When their mother left them, their father was depressed for a whole month. Didn't communicate at all. It ended up being Mari to take care of them for a month.

Then there was the whole wolf incident. To make a long story short, someone was being a smart ass and caused someone to turn the siblings into wolves. When they returned home, the village thought they were wild beast out to eat their children. Note that this was a good five years after the mother incident. There was only four people who recognized them. Monica, Arianna, Cisco and Mari. Pretty obvious.

What ended up happening was Mari made Arianna, Monica and Cisco make contracts with them. Arianna ended up with Kurai. She would always have him with her because it's her cousin. Really? Wouldn't you want your cousin with you?

Since Kurai was with Arianna a lot, he was part of the Akatsuki as well. He knew everyone in the Akatsuki, even Madara. Even though he knew everyone in the Akatsuki, he still was very protective of Arianna. The only time he let his guard down is when they were with Arianna's fiancé, Itachi.(I'll explain why in Arianna's chapter.)

Kurai's personality is very much similar to Itachi. With hanging out with Itachi and Arianna to his past, every choice that he made effected him today. The thing with Kurai is that he loves his siblings to the point of where he will try to do anything to protect them. Although he joined the Akatsuki, he tries his best NOT to kill anyone. He still keeps his siblings in his heart and he would do anything to make them believe that what he is doing is for them.

So that's Kurai Consolacion. I'm sorry if you didn't get all the information you wanted. Tell me how you guys feel about this segment. I would love to know. Ja ni!!!

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