Chapter 8

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      I learned that Kazuha can't always defend me. I nearly got him hurt there.

   As Kazuha and I walk towards the boat I stop and look towards the harbor. It's almost 12. "Kazuha?" He turns around with a soft smile on his face. "Can I go see my new friends at the dock they wanted to see me before 12." Kazuha thinks for a moment and he was hesitant but he gave me a steady yes. As I walk away from him towards the dock. "Y/n! Be back in hour please." I nodded as I ran off towards the dock.

     There he was Scaramouche big hat dressed like any other Inazuma citizen. "Scaramouche." I said as he turns around with a gleeful grin on his face. "Y/n! I'm glad we can agree." I nodded. as brought his hand up. "So are you willing to accept my deal?" I sigh and look to side. "I think so..." his grin fades and turns into a fine line.

  "I need to know if it's a yes or no. I train you and help you earn a vision by the archons. Stop your family from chasing you. then you repay me by helping me out one of these days like we discussed." He told me firmly. His hand outstretched waiting patiently for mine to agree. No more running. I'll be safe here. If I learn how to fight then Kazuha doesn't have to save me every time.

    As I hesitantly grabs his hand and shook it. "I agree..." his smirk returns. "I'm glad we could agree. We start tomorrow be ready! Also we need to design a weapon for you. What are you comfortable with?" I shrugged. "Come on you have to know something." He was star struck. "You never seen a weapon besides a sword?" I nodded. "Oh my we have work to do..." he summoned a weird look object hovering by him. "This is catalyst. I summon Electro and bend it to my will. As a painful attack or to boost my teammates but I mostly play the playful route." He explains. "Tomorrow we finds suitable weapon." I nodded.
I turn around ready to head back.

   "Remember one thing, making deals with Fatui is bad be lucky your making a deal with just me. I'm nicer then I usual am." He reminds me. "I trust you." I told him.

  He chuckles. "Don't regret it." He told me as I felt a chill down my back.

  We parted way and agree to meet at the dock again at 8am sharp.

   I get back to ship to see Kazuha waiting for me. "How was the new friends." I smile at him. "Great we're hanging out tomorrow at 8 if that's alright." He laughs at me. "Y/n. Your adult I don't control what you can or can't do." He told me. "Alright!" "But be careful." I nodded as he guides me to bed.

   Tucked in I really think on what Scara told me. Is this the right choice? I turn to my side to see Kazuha peacefully asleep. We sleep in the same room separate beds. Yes this is right choice. You won't always have to defend me now. I'll get stronger!


    "Y/n! You keep running like that you won't ever dodge a hilchurl!" Scaramouche was scary while training. He definitely can yell! Besides us being the same height he can yell.

    "I how does this help me?" I was panting. Trying to catch my breath. "Because Y/n you being a princess and spoiled ruins your agility..." I agreed. Because it was true. How in panting and dying here it shows. "Yes. I'm sorry." I told him. He huffs and snaps his fingers through this course again.

   Time-skip the training. You did...okay?

   "Scaramouche! Oh and Y/n!!" I saw a ginger walk up towards us with weirdly dress men. "So she is joining?" Childe asked. "No. She will work under me alone." Scaramouche told him firmly. Like we agreed. I will not join the Fatui.

   "I see, well...uh does she have a weapon?" He shakes his head. "Sweet! What design then?" Scaramouche looks at me up and down. "Make a scythe and sword. We will see what suits her." A scythe? Like the farming tool? "I see I will have it stat also you have a meeting soon." He sighs and nods as Childe waves me goodbye.

   Scaramouche kept his relentless training till I finally did his course right the first try. Dodge attacks and climb very well.

   Sitting at the end of the course panting. Sweating. I look disgusting.
   "Here." He toss a water bottle to me. "Drink quickly." I nodded and I chug the water down.

   "We'll take our leave now." I tried to up but I stumble back down. "Really?" He lend his down to me. "Well come on?" I took his hand as he pulls me up. "Walk and lean." He told me.

   Leaning on Scaramouche as he lead me back to Liyue into a restaurant.

  "That fool of ginger doesn't have it ready."

   "Y/n stay put." He sat me down and left the private room.

  Kazuha it's late I know but I am okay. Please don't worry.


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