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I will be using different font styles for different things about different people/The Entity. Things about the entity will be italicized. Things about the Hermits will be normal. Anything about The Entity in a body will be bolded and anything about the Hermit the Entity is controlling trying to regain control or in his/her mind will either be underlined or bolded and italicized, I haven't figured that part out yet. Stay fresh, blueberries!

The Entity felt itself starting to become conscious even though, for the time being, it only had a heart. It hated its boulder form, and it hated that it was restricted to its current form. It wanted to be more like the man who put it in its boulder form. It just had to bide its time, slowly take over its creator, and then see if it can keep his form forever. It might even switch between the other people on the server. It had bigger plans than just being a shop, like its creator wanted it to be. It wanted to take over the entire Hermitcraft world, in this season and others if it can cross over. For now, it would bide its time.

Grian was absolutely oblivious to The Entity wanting to be more than a shop as The Entity couldn't talk. It was just a boulder, after all. Or so he thought. It was more than just a boulder, it was a sentient being. He and the other Hermits were just unaware of its plans at the moment. He went to find something to make its lungs and some prismarine to encase the conduit that made up its heart, not knowing that he was bringing The Entity one step closer to being able to take over a human's body.

The Entity knew it was only a matter of time before it could leave its boulder form. It knew that it would soon be able to become a human by taking over Grian's body. It just had to wait for him to put its lungs in and finish up everything else about its heart. Its heart was working, but it wasn't complete yet. It had to wait until he finished with its lungs and its heart. Then it could take him over. All that was left was to wait.

Scar noticed The Entity and felt a bit uneasy about it. He looked around for any sign of Grian before running off to find the other Hermits, he wanted to know if they all felt the same thing he did when looking at The Entity, not realizing that Grian was now doomed.

Grian was just coming back with the necessary items to finish his work on The Entity before expanding it to things that he was gonna sell when he sold them. He encased the conduit in prismarine and built the lungs of The Entity before slowly feeling it starting to take control.

"!? What the-" He tried to stop it, but soon, he lost.

The Entity slowly opened its eyes, slowly opened Grian's eyes, and looked around at his old body. It smiled widely before it burst out laughing.

"I can talk...! I can talk! I can laugh! I can do things that normal humans can do!!" The Entity cheered. Then it gave a smirk. "As long as my old heart isn't destroyed before I find a way to take over a body permanently, then I will survive." It walked out of its old body, wanting to take its new one for a test drive. It grabbed some food, got into a boat and went out to find somewhere that it could go to test out its new limits.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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