Chapter Sixteen

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I haven't had time to look through the whole thing so please pardon my mistakes. Let me know what you think! xx

4 years ago

"Truth," I chose. 

"What do you think you will do if in the future Adri found his mate and you haven't?" Dar asked, slowly, as if I have never thought about it.

"What do you mean what will I do? Of course I will be happy for him." I gave Adri a smile, in which he returned.

"But... won't you get jealous?" Dar asked.

"Jealous, why?" I laughed. "He's my best friend."

Chase cut in to offer his opinion, "what Dar means is that you guys seem closer than how best friends are supposed to be." 

"For example, you guys share the same bed." Dar pointed out.

"Heck, Adri calls you his 'Bella' all the time as if you guys are boyfriend and girlfriend." Chase joined in.

"And not to mention, you guys are each others' first kiss." Dar continued.

"Woah woah, slow down." Adri said, "first of all, the reason why we are each others' first kiss is really because of you, wasn't it? We didn't do it on our own. Because we have always and will always treat each other as best friends. And, in response to Chase, I call her 'my Bella' only to tease her but it just kind of stuck with me. It holds no other meaning. You guys know I'm only teasing her." He reached out to ruffle my hair but I was able to dodge him.

"Actually," I started, "they have a point Adri. Though it's not that much about me, but about your mate. If we continue to act like this, your mate might misunderstand. After all, we do hang around each other a lot."

"Well then, she will have to learn to be okay with it. No one, not even her, is going to replace you." He shrugged.

"That's what you say now, Adri." Darlene didn't back down.

"We are just concerned about you guys." Chase added.

"Not to worry, everything's fine right, my Bella?" Adri continued to not get the point.

Dar was visibly annoyed from the way she rolled her eyes. Chase looked as if he already knew Adri would react this way. While I was stuck between feeling reassured and worried. It was nice to know that he would never neglect me even when he finds his mate but I could also understand Dar's point of view. 

Besides, Adrian was seriously hanging around me way too much. Even the humans in school all thought we were together. Maybe it was time I learnt to be independent and stopped relying on him so much.



Still feeling tired from the fit I had yesterday, I forced myself to sit up on my bed. I had been here for way too long. I was a werewolf, I needed social interaction and the nature. Cooping myself up was not going to make me feel more energised. 

There was a party again tonight, celebrating a newborn baby called Gabriel. I haven't had to chance to see him yet but I was beyond excited. I loved children. 

With that as motivation, I made myself shower and change into a nice floral dress before going down to meet the pack. I still had yet to come to a conclusion what to do with Adri. I avoided thinking about him as much as possible. It was too tiring and energy-draining. I decided it was best to let things flow in its course.

However, I knew deep down I was going to forgive him. I was going to accept him. It was just a matter of time. We were meant to be together. We were made to be together. 

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