Chapter Nineteen

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3 years ago

"Are you excited?" I couldn't help but ask.

"About what?" Adrian asked, as he snuggled closer to me.

It was his birthday and we were on our tree. This tree held way too many of our precious memories, I don't know what I'd do if it ever dies.

"You know, finding your mate." I shrugged.

"There's still a year!" He reassured me.

"Yeah, but a year goes by really fast!" I protested.

"Why do you ask anyway? You're scared I'd neglect you then?" He teased with that annoying smirk of his.

"No," I pouted. "I was just curious. I wonder how she'd be like."

After thinking for a bit, I added. "Plus you definitely will neglect me. Don't say you won't, it's something that has to happen. You'd want to spend all your time with her. And even if you did took out some time for me, she might not like it. I'm saying this not because I'm jealous, but that we really have to mentally prepare ourselves."

Heaving out a huge sigh, Adri replied. "You're right, my Bella. That's why I'd rather not think about it. It'll happen when it happens, alright? In the meantime, let's just enjoy the moments we have till then."



I could still remember that very conversation we had on this tree. I was angry at him for choosing to be so ignorant, so I decided to act on my own. It had to happen, I had to mentally prepare myself. We were so close, always together. The emptiness I could imagine I would feel made me shudder just at the thought of it. That was why, in the following year, before Adri turned 16, I did my best to avoid being with him so often, in the most inconspicuous way. Of course, Adri being Adri, knew right away what I was doing but for once, he let me be.

"What are you thinking about, my Bella?" Adri whispered, holding me in his arms.

"Nothing," I lied, causing him to raise his eyebrow.

"You know I'm not going to let it go," he smirked, but I could see the exhaustion in his eyes.

"Let's go to bed, Adri. You're tired." I smiled at him, just glad that everything was back to normal.

"It's fine. The sunrise will be coming up in just a few minutes." He shrugged it off.

"And we have some things to talk about." He added without a moment's hesitation, "I'm sorry."

"Adri - " I started but he cut me off.

"Don't Belle, let me finish." He said, with that finality in his voice. "You have to let me get this out. I was selfish and ignorant and I had no idea I caused you so much pain. I have no right to ask for your forgiveness but please let me selfishly request -"

"Stop it Adri. You were... ignorant, but not selfish. I could totally understand your feelings then. And you had no idea. I was foolish too, not brave enough to let you know the truth. So it was my fault too. Besides, everything's over now, so can we just please stop talking about it?" I asked.

"But - " He protested.

"Shhh," I put a finger against his lips. "I forgive you."

His eyes widened for a moment, as if not believing what he had heard. But in a split second, his eyes turned playful and mischievous. Uh oh...

"You forgive me... but I don't think I can forgive you..." He trailed, eyes narrowed accusingly.

"What... do you... mean?" I drawled, lowering my finger slowly.

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