Chapter Twenty

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Hey guys! As I mentioned, this is the last chapter before the Epilogue. It's rather short and I'm honestly not very happy with it. I may or may not edit it in the future. All those aside, thank you to those who have stayed with me. I really really hope you enjoyed reading this story as much I enjoyed writing it. It has been a long journey but sadly, it must come to an end. The other thing I wanted to ask you guys is whether you guys would like a sequel? (It would probably be a short one, approximately 10 chapters.) I think I mentioned it in one of the previous chapters. Let me know in the comment and vote if you like this chapter! :)

Thank you once again for all the support! Enjoy!

3 years ago

"You guys look like a couple," Dar blurted out.

"No we don't," I insisted, shrugging Adri's arm away from my shoulders.

Adri chuckled, "so what if we do?" And within moments, his arm was back to its original position.

"Are you going to marry each other?" Came a small voice.

All heads shot to it, only to find Lily her head peeking through the door.

"Lily, what are you doing here?" I asked, opening my arms for her in which she instantly came running into.

Planting a small kiss on her head, she looked up at me and replied. "I was just walking by when I overheard you guys. So are you going to marry Adri?"

My face flushed red. Where did she get all these ideas from?

"Of cour-" Adri was about to answer but I quickly elbowed him, preventing him from finishing.

"Why do you ask?" I asked her curiously.

"Because that's what people in love do, don't they?" She pointed out innocently.

My face grew hotter.

Before I could come up with a coherent answer, Chase who had been playing games on his phone piped in. "You're right Tiger Lily!"

"Chase!" I protested.

"Lily, don't listen to Chase. Yes, Adri and I love each other. But there are different kinds of love. The love we have is that of friendship. What you are saying is a different kind of love. So no, Adri and I are not getting married." I explained to her to the best of my ability.

"Oh!" She looked like she just discovered something amazing.

"So you and Adri are not going to have children together?" She asked, deep in thought.

She probably just wanted playmates.



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