My Life

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I was studying for the past two hours , its was tiring, I made a dark coffee and went near the window and took a deep breath, its evening 4o clock, There is a park just outside my apartment, Lots of children are playing, parents laughing, some walking with their dogs and some people riding bicycle, in a oval path on the park with helmet and gear seems like professional, I sipped my coffee, still I cant forget nanon, his smile, he is beautiful, gorgeous, its almost a month still I remember his face, dimple, smile, twinkling eyes. I am preparing for entrance exam for engineering and i am in final year of my school, My father and mother are CEO in a well known shoe company in Germany, My step father is a best thing happened in my mothers life, when my father died in car accident at younger age of 25, at the time my mother was literally in streets with 8 years old me and nothing except a clerical job, she worked in a bar as a part time job and there she met my step father Andreas , he came for buisness dealing, later he fell in love with my mother stayed for months to get her acceptance, she is hesistant to take another chance in life as she was having me, he promised to look after me then we came to Germany. As promised he look after me and my mother well. He started multiple branches in Germany and my mother is CEO in one his company and I am having step brother sam who is 6 years old and I was living here in a small apartment near the school alone, she doesn't like this idea but I have to prepare for entrance and it seems this is a good idea and i am bi still i didn't reveal to her. She comes often to check on me, she appointed a housekeeper who comes around noon and clean the house , stock the refrigerator, do the laundry and will disappear around 2 clock, we use to have lunch sometimes when I am at home, she is middle aged lady lina with 2 daugthers and happily living with her husband, a truck driver. My mother still remember our hard times and so she gave 10 per of her profit to orphanage and the single moms who is difficult to raise the children. My step father is concern about me and whenever I need something he will buy me immediately. name it he will give me in next instance but I must do one thing what he asks for, usually it helps me to guide my life. I asked him a bike, he bought me what I asked for, but he demands me to prepare for engineering exam for 2 hrs daily and must sent proof to him, i know he don't look the proof but in a way its productive, Without informing my mom I tattoo dragon in my heart, my mom was tensed, but he said "look lidya its cool', but he asked me to workout for half an hour daily. According to me he is a cool dad. I put on my shoes, took my phone, ear pods, wallet, going for walking not for jogging mood.

I was walking in the park, children playing with family. I sat in a bench watching children playing, i was playing like this at the age of 8, someone came running to me and said my mother had an accident but she was died in the spot. I remember noone was there for me, my father died at the age of one and now my neighbours look after me. My fathers friend gave me a small room where i live without rent for 9 years, he is difficult to run his house so i didn't expect food from him, i went to odd jobs and some of my mother friends gave food for me, but they're having difficult life to lead too. At age of 16 I started getting part time job as a waiter in restaurant, i studied in a small school run by government and didn't discontinue it, i am not excellent in studies but good. In the morning i deliver milk, newspaper, goto school, evening working as a waiter for 6 hrs and return home for dinner, i will eat salads, bread, rice,eggs and instant noodles only. In restaurant I came to know about various foods, various menus, how to set tables, table manners and different course of meals. One fine day, i met my fathers friend who is running a bar, said he will give a bar tender job, i said i don't know about bar tending and underage to work in bar, he said don't tell anyone your age i can manage and he taught me all about drinks, mixing the alcohol ratios, how to talk to guest, how to guide them about the drinks, and there I realise I am not interested in girls, I love watching men and came to know about my sexual orientation yeah i realise I am a gay. 2 years later i worked there i had crush on two and it was utter failure and then i met max one fine night, He loves Thailand and travels every year for holiday and we started dating and on the second day we had sex and for a week it was bliss but it is time to go, so he proposed me , we become boyfriend in a week, when he promised me he will return in next month i dont believed him, he arrange for passport, visa ofcouse its tourist visa later extend to another 6 months and i was really happy and went with him leaving back my identity, my life in Thailand. Max loves me dearly, look after me, giving lot of gifts, throwing party for my birthday and I was really happy here. His friends also accept me. We are busy in weekdays, we will say good bye to each other in breakfast table, my job starts at 11 oclock in morning till 3 am in night, so we rarely talk in week days but every weekend we wont stay in house we go trekking, hiking, goto different part of Germany, spending time with his friends, going to their house for party, he is having a great friends group and some are gay and lesbian couple with adopted children. For 6 months I was happy. yesterday He came and said "honey I am home" and back hugged me and kissed in my nape. I kissed in his lips, "oh you missed me" he said, I laughed and asked him "I want to talk to you, lets go for a walk", so we walked by holding hands," nan babe what happened?,why are you sad", he asked, I said "Max you know I love you, lets get married and I was all alone in my life, I want to raise children, I am feeling that I am alone here, with no friends, ofcourse it's same in Thailand too but I feel miserable and alone here, please let's get married and adopt a child what do you say", he replied "Nan honey I love you and you love me this is more than enough, you know me well, I understand you feel insecure don't think too much I won't leave you, I brought you here because I love you. don't doubt me.but I don't like marriage, I hate marriages, believe me , my parents love faded after their marriage and both had innumerable affairs, and lot of my friends do the same at the patners back, our timings are hectic too, Its difficult to raise a child, If you feel lonely, make friends with asians here, but dont cheat on me ok" he laughed and said " I am jealous person" and kissed me. Eventhough its not what I want, the present situation is happy so I kept silent and I didn't argue. I let a deep sigh and started walking, when I was planning to return home, I saw a familiar face, I said "hi how are you?", he was like "do we know each other", I know he was lying, when he saw me his eyes shows recognition and why he said like that, maybe on that day he is fully drunk so he dont recognise me, he started to walk in opposite direction and I asked "are you ohm?", he replied "have we met before?, sorry I don't recognise you", I said "on that day you came to bar where i am working and your group had a blast that day, I am nanon by the way" and ready for a handshake, he hesitate and hold my hands and said "its ohm", he start to walk again, i said "What about a coffee, max house is here,( in opposite direction of ohm house) starting of the park", he was surprised and he was thinking and then he answered "no, sorry some other day,but never call stranger to your home, its not safe,a person like me may rape you, look at you, though you are manly, pretty noooooo gorgeous with cute dimple smile, I wont blame them for trying", he gave a gummy smile and went. I was shocked, what he said was right, I should not invite stranger to our house, but I don't know why I invite him to max house, usually I would never do that to stranger, wait a minute what he said pretty, gorgeous cute dimple smile and worst of all rape, is he hitting on me. noo he seems sincere boy. I walk back to max home confused.


I smiled seeing his confused face, he is sooooo cute with his mouth wide open and looking gorgeous. I cant look anywhere except him, I saw him siting in a bench and zoned out, I was sitting opposite to him. he did not see me. He must living near this park, he didn't bring anything with him. why God why, I want to forgot him in a positive way but you put him in front of me and worst of all he lives in my neighborhood,God I hate you, I wont forgive you. It such a pain to see a person you love in front of you but knowing that he belongs to someone and your love is not reciprocated, its really pain in the ass. hmmm he is forbidden fruit ohm, just get lost from his sight. when i started to walk he called, shit he remembered me i am happy, noooo, its difficult, i control my smile and turned to look at him and behave as if i forgot him, i don't remember him. he remembered my name, i was smiling when he said my name, idiot ohm no emotion no emotion to another man's boyfriend. He said his name is nanon innocently and extend his hand. yeah touch him ohm. why not touch his hand. Its just handshake. no pervert ohm, he is friendly dont make yourself obvious ohm get lost, run. I am already having a chaotic feelings in my system, he invite me as in me to his house, wow its just simple wow. My heart says come nanon lets go, but my mind manages to say good things like that i want to meet him later when i am ready to have a platonic friendship with him. ok i will say the truth I said no, but my romantic heart included that he is gorgeous beautiful and handsome, never call anyone home except me in future,If he invite me now i may rape him, he was so confused and don't know what to say, he just blink, cute little gorgeous handsome beautiful idiot bye. I am happy atleast he friendzoned me but I must prepare the consequences of taking nanon as my friend not my other half. my heart sulked.

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