Chapter 3

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Elliot reached his hand from out under his covers to it down on the alarm clock. Grumbling to himself before turning over to get a few minutes. Before he could fully fall back asleep, he heard his bedroom door slam open and two little bodies jump up and down on the bed screaming.

"Wake up ELI!"


Groaning under their weight, He picked his head up from under the covers to see his three-year-old brother and six-year-old sister pretending the bed is a trampoline. Shaking his head, smiling at them, before roaring and getting ready to play lion. As soon as they heard Elliot's roar, they began shrieking, running away from his room as he chased after them.

After a few minutes of chasing them around the living room. Elliot caught them, throwing them over his shoulder and striding to the bathroom so they aren't late for their first day at their new school.

" Let's get ready," he tells them as he helps them brush their teeth, put their clothes on, and prepare their lunch as they munch on their breakfast. 

As they ran to go put their backpacks on, Elliot quickly went to his parent's room to see that they didn't come home at all. Sighing, he shut the door getting ready to put them in the car.

Once they are safely strapped in, Elliot starts the car and heads to their school which was thankfully very close to home. So it did not make him late for his first day. Dropping them off and waving at their teacher before zooming off to Norman High School.

As soon as he reached the parking lot, he got out of his car and walked towards the school's front door. All heads turned towards him. It was kind of awkward because the girls here kept staring me down and whispering while pointing at him.  

 It kind of boosted his ego as well as his anxiety. Once he got out of everyone's eyesight he quickly dashed straight to the main office to grab his new class schedule.

"Hello, names Elliot and I'm the new transfer student." he smiled as he greeted the front desk lady

"Last name please"


"I asked for your last name please there are about 45 different Elliots at this school. I need a last name."

"Oh, it is Taylor. The last name is Taylor" he told her. She proceeded to print out Elliot's schedule and locker number before telling him to have a great day. Thanking her, he quickly looked through the schedule trying to find the chemistry classroom. Halfway through trying to find it, he bumped into the teacher and she walked him to her classroom.

He just made my introduction kind of simple, but the one thing that caught his attention was the girl in the back with her friend. She was rolling her eyes? Elliot didn't know if she was doing it because of all the girls whispering and giggling during his introduction or because she doesn't like him already.

 Once he finished the teacher gave Elliot an option to sit in the back before she could finish with whatever boring crap she was gonna add, Elliot was already in the back pulling a chair up right next to her.

As introduced himself to her, she just gave him this sarcastic and nonchalant energy that she doesn't care to know who he was. Elliot had kinda gotten used to girls giggling or blushing when he talked to them kind of, even though he really just does his own thing and doesn't put himself out there unless it's for dancing or making content for his social media.

But she genuinely doesn't like me and we just met. Cue rain and sad dramatic kdrama music. But for the time being, the banter between her and who he assumes is her best friend kept his attention. And it was very cute.

After escaping the mob of girls, Elliot quickly dashed out of the classroom trying to look for Chloe but it seems she already disappeared. He felt kind of disappointed and he didn't know why.

 But as he began looking for his next class. I heard a bang coming from around the corner. Being the nosy person that Elliot was, he decided to follow the noise. Very scary movie cliché of him, he probably knows that but it's in his nature. Once he got to the general direction of the noise, Elliot witnessed Ari being held by two girls while Chloe was being pinned by two other girls.

A single girl was standing in front of her, assuming she was the "leader" of the group. He couldn't hear everything they were saying. So he tried to scoot a little closer to hear but before he could get any closer the ringer on his phone started going off. He tried to get to it to turn it off, and he looked up to see all of their heads turned to him.

"Hello ladies, fancy seeing you here. Hehe..." he started, rubbing the back of his neck

The leader turned back to Chloe and said something before walking off in the opposite direction. He tried to walk up to the girls to see if they were okay. 

Before Elliot could open his mouth to ask, Chloe bumped past him with anger. Looking confusingly at Ari, she just smiled weakly before whispering thanks you.

What is going on?

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