Chapter 1

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    Every inch of the room shook as the cheers vibrated all around the room. She looked around with tears forming in her eyes as everyone came running to congratulate her on the first place award in the dance competition.

"OMG you were fucking awesome Chloe. And you're so pretty I wish I could be like you." complimented her sister, Ashley.

" You have to teach me how to dance one day C. You are so hot!" The popular boy Henry complimented her as she stood there in shock at the fact that they knew her name.

She waved at everyone as my dance coach escorted them back to the changing room that the principal gave us so that we felt comfortable when it came to doing outfit changes. As she set the award down she gushed at everything that just happened turning around to her dance instructor " Omg that was a rush! I can't believe the fact that everyone was being so supportive. I'm so use to-"

"Hey Fatass! Wake up!" Her dance instructor interrupted


"Fatass. Wake. Up."

She opened my mouth to say something but it was like her voice was caught in the back of her throat before she felt a splash that jolted her up from her blissful slumber.

Waking up to the feeling of being wet and the feeling of cold water seeping through her clothes left her too stunned to react before spotting her twin sister laughing at her through the doorway, while her older brother walked past, giving us a quick glance before walking towards the bathroom.. The feeling of happiness slowly slipped from her body.

Reality came crashing down on her. She was no longer being swarmed by people who loved and adored her. She was back in the purple and black bedroom that she grew up in her whole life just to be tormented by my worst nightmare, also known as her twin sister Ashley. A tear almost slipped past her eyes but she quickly sucked up the feeling and plastered a fake smile onto her face.

" Oh look, the fatass decided to wake up." Ashely jeered as she took a look at my drenched appearance.

Ashley and Chloe are twins and both juniors in high school. They got along growing up. You could even say that they were inseparable. But as they got older Ashely became prettier, skinnier, and more popular. While Chloe became fat and practically invisible. You would think being from a rich family would have some perks but it's just an honest shit show.

"Hurry up fatass we got to go to school. You're taking the other car. I refuse to be seen with you. You'll ruin my rep and I can't have that" her sister scoffed.

She didn't even bother responding as she started to walk away. Getting out of bed to look at myself in the mirror, she grabbed the antidepressants and weight loss pills from on top of the dresser that her favorite interior designer placed next to the mirror. God definitely had favorites when he created this family because everyone looked like supermodels including my mom and dad. Except. For. Her. Well at least in her mind.

She finished putting herself together and put on her clothes while going downstairs to say goodbye to her parents. Walking into the kitchen to see her parents kissing in the kitchen, there's a smile with a little pang of longing in her heart hoping one day in the future she would get to have a love just like them. Sensing that someone had entered the kitchen, her mom turns to Chloe and smiles at her with love in her eyes.

"Hey my little munchkin. Where is your sister at? I thought you were going to school together." she asked while my dad walked over to give me a kiss and a hug.

"She decided to leave a little early because she said she had a test to study for." She quickly lied looking into the fridge for something to snack on. She could feel my mom's concerned eyes looking at me as she refused to meet her eyes.

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