Chapter 4

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           As soon as the bell rang, Chloe sprinted out of the classroom in a rush. She could hear him calling after her. But she just wanted to get out of there. She will just talk to the dance instructor later or tomorrow but right now she just needs to get out of this school for the day.

 Spotting Ari, speed walks a little faster reaching her with more space between Elliot and herself.

"Let'sleaverightnow." Chloe rushed out in one breathe

"What? Are you okay?" Ari asked her in pure concern

" Let's leaverightnow." Chloe tried to get the words out in a little clearer

"LET'S. LEAVE. RIGHT. NOW." She had finally gotten out emphasizing every word. Before she could even give a response, Chloe grabbed her arms tugging on them like a toddler who wants a piece of candy on the shelf at the grocery store but their mom won't let them have it.

"Fine. Fine, I'm coming. But we just can't leave, we need an excuse. If we do, they're going to call our parents. I'm not trying to get my phone taken away again this week." Ari explained while standing her ground

"Ugh, fine." Chloe stood there thinking before an evil little look crossed her face. Ari shook her head as she saw the evil look.

"Chloe, nooooooo... I know that look and it is never a good look. Please do not do something crazy!" She pleaded with Chloe

"Too late" she responded with an evil laugh

She grabbed her hand and dragged her to the econ side of the building, quickly rushin her into the room so she could quickly slide the door close. As Chloe locked the door, she spun around with a little smirk on her face.

"Grab the materials that make us look like Mother Nature came for revenge."

Knowing that there is no way to get her to throw away whatever little scheme Chloe had formulated in her mind. And Chloe loves that about her she doesn't question it or she doesn't care to question it. We quickly got all the materials together and as soon as we finished, she turned to Ari, rocking back and forth with an innocent look.

Ari looked at her after 2 minutes of not paying attention to Chloe. As it dawns on her, she begins to slowly back away from me. She shook her head, letting her know she wouldn't be the sacrifice for Chloe's little escape plan.

" Please Ari just do this for me this once?" Chloe begged her "They will not believe me if I do it. I've done it so many times that they have a record of all the fake excuses that I've used... WITH A POSTER BOARD AND TALLY MARKS."

It honestly looked like she was not going to move so Chloe used her main force of the attack. The puppy dog eyes.

" I guess I just have to suck it up and do this on my own."


" I wished I had someone who loved me enough to help me get this plan off the ground."

"Mmmmm. What a shame!"

" Omg Ari please I'll buy you anything you want after we pull this off"


"Yes, Anything"

"Well, Why didn't you start with that? Let's get started"

Rolling her eyes, as they got started planning everything out. Just as they got serious, the door banged open. Both of them whipped their heads around to see Elliot standing at the door, Ari standing in her underwear, and her pants in Chloe's hand with their concoction painting it on.

"What are you guys even doing?'

Both of them looked at each other before quickly responding with " Nothing" while Ari quickly covered herself with Chloe's jacket.

" Oh really because it looks like we just conceived a plan that will get us out of school right now," he replied a little cocky

" Who are we?!?!?!?!?! Are we the people of the United states?!?!?!?!? Are we your family?!?!?!?!?!? Who are we?????" Both Ari and Chloe responded in unison

" I mean I guess I will just have to go tell the principal that there are two people using resources in what I am guessing is the ecom room to fake a period, hmmm???" he explained

"We don't care. Get out." Chloe demanded him now annoyed

Ari hit Chloe in the arm and gave her a look. Sucking up the feeling, Chloe quickly turned to him with a fake smile. "Sure we wouldn't mind you helping, as long as you don't tell anyone what we were doing in here."

"Deal," he said while shaking their hands 

It takes them about a good 15 minutes to get everything together. Everyone looks at each other with a satisfied grin. Just as they got ready to head out there was a jingle of keys and the clack of heels.

It became speed time as they rushed to stuff everything into areas that would not be noticeable to whichever teacher that was. As they finally got the last item thrown away, the door slid open, and in walked the econ teacher.  

"What's going on in here?" she asked as she quirked her eyebrows, with questioning eyes 

All three sheepishly looked at her faking innocence, praying she believed them. As she went to open her mouth to say something, Ari doubled over and started groaning in pain. Both Elliot and Chloe looked at each other confused before hearing Ari exclaim "Omg, my stomach I think my period started."

The teacher quickly rushed over to Ari rubbing her back, before gasping, " Omg you need to go the nurse and then home. The two of you need to go with her and make sure she gets home safely."

Both of them quickly nodded their heads before rushing to Ari, putting an arm each around her dragging her to the nurse. After seeing Ari, they immediately gave her a pass and allowed all of them to go with her. They seemed to have put on a great show because they were not asked any questions and just let go.

As they got outside, they did a little dancey dance before Chole abruptly stopped, and asked " Wait! How are we supposed to get home?"

Both Ari and Chloe looked at each other panicking, while Elliot looked at them confused.  After watching them going around in circles, he finally decided to ask, " Do you guys not drive or have a car?" 

Almost as if they forgot that he was with them, they turned to look at him in confusion before shaking their heads no. He just shook his head smiling, before lifting up his keys and announced, " Well it's a great thing that I do. Where are we heading first?"

Both girls sighed in relief before all three of them ran to his car and speed off out of the parking lot of the school building.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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