May Time Slow Down For Us

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Sapphire's POV

Life knows how to throw a random obstacle in your way when you think you have it all figured out. Out of everything life could have thrown my way it just had to be Zoe. I feel like my heart is in my throat. I can't breathe and I feel like someone has poured ice water on me. For some reason I feel like my body is in survival mode, I'm constantly looking over my shoulder and every hair on my body is standing straight up.

What if Cara finds us? She would scare Zoe off and I just don't think I can take Zoe disappearing on me again. I can't let Cara find out who she is and ruin this for me. Before my brain can delve in and overthink the whole situation even more. Zoe's voice cuts through the fog in my brain

" You look, worried sweetheart? What's wrong?"

The tone in her voice somehow makes my entire relax and I can finally breathe. It's nothing I hear myself surprisingly convincingly. I've done way too many shows in little hick Texas towns to bitch out now.

Zoe's POV

She looks so on edge and it breaks my heart. She doesn't even look like she's mentally here...Maybe I'm bothering her and she's still pissed at me for deserting her. I-


My eyes meet hers and I get up making the silent promise to grab our coffee. The cold exterior of the cup shocks my system for a second as I grab both of the cups and I turn on my heel to make my way back to the table but black sharpie marks catch my attention from the corner of my eye so I turn the cup in my hand and I'm met with a surprisingly neat scrawling of the baristas number with a heart at the end. I check the order on the cup and it's mine. I let out a sigh and I make my way back to Sapphire with a newfound tension in my muscles.

I can see the concern in her eyes but I don't want anything ruining our reunion so I give a smile and I sit down sliding her coffee across the table to her. Just as you ordered Ice Caramel macchiato with light ice. Just like you ordered it when you were younger, I laugh but she looks almost...sad..? I immediately start apologizing but she just gives a sad look down to her coffee.

"Do you ever regret meeting me when you did..?"

Of course, I don't! I believe that it was a case of the right person, the wrong time. We were both so young and thought we knew what we had it just wasn't the time. 

I'm about to continue with my stupid cliche ramblings when I see a girl come up behind Sapphire and her hands slide down her chest as she leans into Sapphire's back. I can see Sapphire tense up but the girl just smirks at me and I'm forced to retreat.

I better go... I have to get my shopping done and then get home to my cat. I don't have a cat nor was I shopping but I need to get away from this situation before I cause more problems for Sapphire.

"I'll see you later Saph.."

I quickly make my way outside and I attempt to catch my breath as I realize that my heart is pounding against my chest.

Sapphire's POV

Everything was going great until I felt hands on me and Cara's perfume invaded my nose.  I could see Zoe's eyes glaze over as Cara hovered me. Zoe's mouth moves but theres no sound reaching my ears. I watch her walk away and suddenly I feel the exact way I did 6 years ago. My heart is in my throat as Cara tells me that she's done shopping and she wants to go home. 

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