Spit in my face, my love, it won't phase me

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I just want to say how sorry I am for disappearing on you guys. I know I've said that a lot, but this time I'm not gonna sit here and make promises because I don't want to disappoint you for the umpteenth time. the last year and a half has been crazy. Me and my partner briefly moved to Colorado and then moved back to Texas, we moved into our apartment, we got engaged, I turned 22 last month, and I had my son 3 months ago. I know what you're thinking "damn bitch you've been busy" and if you are thinking that then you would be right. I can't even describe how the last year and a half has felt because everything has just been so busy, I feel like this is the first time since I got pregnant that I've had a moment to just sit down and breathe. I just want you guys to know that updates will be slow since I am balancing a baby on top of getting back to this book.

Sapphire's POV

It's been a couple of days since Cara left for her parents and honestly, I can't blame her for essentially giving me the silent treatment. I fucked things up this time and I don't think I can come back from it. As I laze around I can't help but realize just how quiet life is without Cara constantly screaming and pulling me around. Shouldn't I feel remorse? shouldn't I miss her?

3rd person POV

As Sapphire moved around her LA condo she was completely oblivious to the fact that danger was lurking around the corner. Hannah the fighter's self-proclaimed "destined lover" lurked just around the corner and she had a few ideas in mind to get Sapphire's attention. In Hannah's hand lay Sapphire's precious hoodie from her high school days. It no longer smelt like the brunette fighter and after posting a few photos in the infamous hoodie Hannah has gotten her use out of it. She couldn't wait to see her love's face after she saw it sitting on her doorstep.

Hannah couldn't help the way her heart pounded as she ducked behind a bush facing Sapphire's front door. It was so exhilarating watching the big heavy front door open and Sapphire step out into the golden light. She looked like a goddess but something was wrong. Sapphire Doesn't look happy or thankful. she looks mad.

"Come on Cara this isn't fucking funny. I know you're mad but this isn't the way to get back at me. bash me on Twitter like a normal person"

the obssessed girl couldn't believe that the one who she longed for was uttering another girl's name. Even if Sapphire had no idea that Hannah existed she still held onto the firm belief that if they got to know each other they'd surely fall madly in love. Before Hannah could even think her limbs were moving on their own and before she knew it she was barreling towards Sapphire. with determination lighting a fire in her muscles she pushed her way towards the girl she adored not expecting her to fall back out of fear and surprise. Hannah took this as an opportunity to step past the threshhold and over Sapphire.

"You know you were supposed to be with me. Since middle school I've followed you and adored you...all I ever wanted was for you to see me...to give me a chance but I guess you were always sitting to high on your horse to see any of us peasants"

"I don't know who you are, I'm sorry" Sapphire said with a shaky voice. in  her mind she knew she sounded pathetic but she needed to keep the stranger in her house distracted .

I'm guessing that you were apart of that fanclub I had back in high school..? you know that always did weird me out. Imagine being a normal girl and seeing a group of girls fawn over your every move. I'm pretty sure one of them tried to steal a bandaid of mine out of the trash. Sapphire tried to make her movements as subtle as possible as she slowly inched her way through the house. She just needed to get to the alarm system that's placed by the back door; but as the pair passes by Sapphire's bedroom the air changes. Suddenly it feels hard to breathe. Before the brunette girl can react Hannah is lunging at her.

dun dun a cliffhanger >:)

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