Chapter 1: A Hero has Arrived

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It's been a few months after the whole Night Howler incident and things have been running smoothly. Until now a building was on fire and people were in trouble.

"You okay in there Carrots?" said Nick Wilde over the radio inside his oxygen mask.

"For the moment," replied his partner, Judy Hopps.

"But this fire is getting out of control fast; we need to get these mammals out of here now!"

The fox glanced up at the burning building, smoke had already been billowing from the windows when they heard the dispatch, but now, tongues of fire were starting to erupt from within, despite the best effort of Zootopias Fire department. This was supposed to be a slow day for him and his partner,
ever since the pair had cracked the Night Howlers case and he had graduated the Police Academy, the two officers had proven themselves in the field time and again. However, in recent weeks the stress had been telling, so they had been relieved when Chief Bogo assigned them a routine patrol of Sahara Square.

 However, in recent weeks the stress had been telling, so they had been relieved when Chief Bogo assigned them a routine patrol of Sahara Square

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Neither of them had been expecting that their patrol would turn into a rescue mission. They had only been out for a few hours when dispatch reported a fire from an apartment building, the pair had responded immediately and now Judy was inside the raging inferno trying to evacuate as many of
the panicked residents as she could, while Nick remained at the front door to help guide them outside. As he directed a pair of coughing cheetahs through the door towards the police cordon, he saw Judy come running towards him with a bundle wrapped in her arms.

"That everyone?" he asked.

"No," she replied. "We've still got mammals stuck on the roof and there's a kit trapped on the fifth floor. I'm going back for him."

"Are you nuts Carrots?!" he exclaimed. "You said it
yourself that this fire is getting out of control!"

"I can't just leave a child there to burn Nick!" she replied, thrusting the bundle into her partners arms.

"Get clear and stay back, have the Fire Department direct water to the upper floors, which should buy me some time!"

Before the fox could protest, Judy was sprinting towards the apartment's staircase, her athletic legs allowing her to leap up the stairs in quick succession.

Seeing that the bundle he held was a Cheetah kitten, and with the smoke getting thicker and thicker, Nick Wilde had no choice but to fall back to the police cordon, handing the kitten off to its parents before turning to face the towering inferno. The fire had nearly claimed all the building now, dense black smoke was billowing into the sky and Nick could clearly see the flames burning away the walls. He looked over to where the Fire Department had set up their engines, high powered hoses spraying gallons of water onto what was becoming a lost cause.

He jogged over to the fire chief, a burly elephant who was spraying water onto the blaze from his trunk.

"Officer Wilde, I'm going to have to ask you to remain back here, it's too dangerous for any mammal to be near it anymore." He said.

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