Chapter 5: New Case

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"State your name, species and occupation for the record, rumbled Chief Bogo into the microphone.

"Barry Allen, eh...human, although technically meta-human would be more accurate." Barry said.

There was a threatening growl from the buffalo, and Barry swallowed nervously.

"Moving on," he said, swiftly. "I'm a Crime Scene
Investigator for the Central City Police Department."

Nick Wilde watched the exchange through the window of the observation room. As soon as the ZPD had secured the bank robbers, Barry had followed them back to Precinct 1, where Bogo had immediately hauled him off to one of the interrogation rooms. Barry could have run away at any time, but he stuck it out, probably because he wanted the ZPD to help him. Nick listened as Bogo continued to grill the human, moving from the standard questions they asked a criminal into a
reading of the riot act, followed by a long and angry lecture about why his activities are dangerous, and not sanctioned by the police. It was no secret that Chief Bogo could be bad tempered, although everyone in the precinct knew that underneath his
rough exterior was a mammal that cared about his officers. Sadly, Barry did not fall into this category, even worse, it was clear that the buffalo's apparently low tolerance for vigilantes meant he wasn't so much interrogating Barry, as he was screaming at him to stop.

Barry was no longer in his Flash costume, having changed into a pair of jeans, shoes, a plain shirt and a hoodie some point before arriving at the precinct. Nick had asked him where he kept the costume when he didn't use it, and Barry showed him a ring with the lightning bolt insignia carved into it. He didn't go into detail about how it worked, only
stating that the ring was some tech from his world. Nick's thoughts were interrupted by the door opening as Judy entered the room.

 Nick's thoughts were interrupted by the door opening as Judy entered the room

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"How's our spineless friend?" he asked, referring to the porcupine.

"I left him with Grizzoli and Wolford," she replied, pulling up a chair so she could see Barry's interrogation clearly.

"Ouch," he winced. "Are you sure that isn't over kill?"

"He called me cute," she deadpanned.

"Point taken, those two will have him singing like a canary in no time." Nick said.

The two shared a grin; Grizzoli and Wolford were notorious in the department for their ability to crack even the toughest of perps. They turned their attention back to the interrogation just as Bogo stopped the recorder. Barry flashed a nervous thumb
up to the mirror as the buffalo gathered his files and made for the door.

"I guess it's over, let's see how he's doing," said Judy,
hopping down from her seat.

Exiting the viewing room, both officers saw Bogo looming over Barry like an ancient behemoth.

"Wilde, Hopps, my office, now," he snapped, before
stomping off down the corridor. He let out a nervous sigh.

"You okay?" asked Judy.

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