Chapter 14: Overcharged of Velocity-9

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The Flash ran, ran as fast as he could away from the ZPD. away from the city, away from those that could be hurt by Godspeed.

As the world turned into an endless blur of colours and light, Barry mentally hoped this plan would work

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As the world turned into an endless blur of colours and light, Barry mentally hoped this plan would work. Godspeed was one of his most dangerous foes, and this parallel was no pushover. However, there were some key differences between him and the original, something Barry knew he could exploit, he just had to push the predator far enough. Glancing back, he made sure the cheetah was still chasing
him, sure enough, the dark speedster was there, rapidly closing the gap. Godspeed growled as he saw Barry accelerate, he wasn't going to be outrun so easily. As the two speedsters rocketed through the rolling hills and plains of Bunnyburrow, the
predator picked up speed and his Tachyon Enhancers responded, agitating the V9 in his system so he could run even faster. Boosting himself forwards, the predator managed to come alongside Barry and roughly shoved him. The Flash veered widely off course, narrowly avoiding a forest of trees as he corrected his footing. As he closed the gap with Godspeed, Barry decided that turnabout was fair play and span his left arm to generate a mini-tornado, blowing the dark speedster sideways into a parked truck. Godspeed saw stars as he impacted the vehicle with a clang. Dropping to his knees, the cheetah shook his head to try and clear his vision, just as Barry skidded to a stop before him.

"I see you've gotten faster," he growled.

"What can I say? I work hard." Barry said.

"It still won't be enough Flash," said Godspeed, stalking towards Barry.

"Once I break you, I will break everyone around you, starting with that bunny and her boy-toy fox! I will turn the ZPD into a charnel house and leave a trail of
bodies all over Zootopia and beyond!"

"Godspeed stop!" snapped Barry. "Don't you see? It's the V9 in your system, it's twisting your mind. I've seen the damage it does, it destroys good people, turns them into something awful. You said life wasn't easy for you, but this is just destroying any hope you have of a brighter future."

"August, please. Let it go," he offered the cheetah a hand, one last plea for him to stop what he was doing and change for the better.

However, his plea went unheeded.

"My NAME is Godspeed!" roared the predator. "I will NEVER give up Flash, not until I am the fastest mammal in the world, not until I live in infamy and my name is feared by all!"

He went to drive his fist into Barry's chest, but the
metahuman dodged the attack and kicked Godspeed in the gut.

"Fine," replied Barry, grimly. "But if you want to be the fastest, you'll have to catch me first."
With that The Flash took off in a streak of golden lightning. As Godspeed watched Barry leave, he pulled out another Epipen and jammed it into his jugular. As blue and white lightning coursed over his body, the dark speedster released a furious bellow before he charged after Barry.

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