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Alice in the MM. y'all don't leave enough comments for me. Please leave comments.

February 8th, 2014.

"You know everything I do is out of love right? I never got this close with someone before." Grace breathed as she caressed my skin. We were in the large porcelain tub, my body limp from the abuse that I was tired of. My back was flushed against her front, the warm water massaging my aching muscles as I stared at the candles with low eyes.

"No it's's possession." I breathed before flinching as her hand raised next to my face. She tucked a hair behind my ear before sighing as her hand traveled down to my neck.

"Look at this beautiful mansion. And you say I don't love you? How about...all the food you eat, all the places you go? But I don't fùcking love you? Please. You get everything you want-"


"Shut the fuck up while I'm talking to you, ungrateful bitch!"



"Look at my two bitches all fucked out. As y'all should." I heard Lina's voice say from Nina's phone. Nina let out a hoarse, nasally laugh while rubbing her eye while I rolled mine. It's been a few days since she's been in the house with me and it's been nothing but wonderful. My mom was definitely happy to hear Nina in the background when she called me.

Oh our Niña is back! My babies! HI NINA!

We've been doing nothing but laying in bed and smoking while watching movies. We had sex, even roleplaying a scene that I wouldn't dare speak of again. Lina was also happy to hear that we were back together, screaming on the phone like a hyena when she saw Nina sitting on my lap while they FaceTimed.

"Shuuuut uuuuup. Can you have someone bring me some weed? I can't wait til you come back." She asked as she pulled the cover over her chest while sitting up. I smirked at her appearance, both of us naked and covered in hickies. Both of our hair was frizzy, mine kinky curls as hers sat in a large frizzy Afro surrounding her face considering we haven't moved from this spot the entire week.

"Babe I have weed for you." I pouted and she chuckled before shaking her head.

"No offense, but I don't like your weed." I gasped in fake hurt and she giggled before leaning in and kissing my lips.

"Sorry. Love you."

"Y'all so...bitch my dealer is on her way. Bye."

"Why are y'all so mean to each other?" I asked as I laid my head on Nina's shoulder. She chuckled but groaned as she looked at her phone and saw her father calling her again. They've been calling her non-stop the past few days, and I know deep down she was feeling a certain way about it, but she just turns off her ringer after a while.

"It's our love language."

"Are you going to-"

"No. Don't even...don't even ask me that. All he's going to do is fucking lecture me, and my mother?  Oh please. I don't even wanna talk to that bitch-"

"Hey hey hey..don't sink to her level. You're better than her."

"Oh I know. I know I'm better than her. I'm so over the garbage. I just want to leave and never come back. I don't understand how she could condone them even going together when she knows what happened to me. Both of them do."

"I know. But you have me to help you through this."

"What about you and what you have going on? Im just some fuck up-"

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