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     I had sat in front of the black screen for a long time, enough to lose sense of time and where I was, going over everything in Sam's video

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     I had sat in front of the black screen for a long time, enough to lose sense of time and where I was, going over everything in Sam's video. I had hoped there'd be another one, but nothing played after it. I had replayed it twice, hoping there'd be a clue in it, something I had missed, but there was nothing. The video was done and I wasn't any closer to her, to knowing where she was.

I finally stood up to go to the cryo room. To let my sister and Thea know what the video said. However, I never got there. To my surprise, I heard their voices in one of the rooms closer to the bridge.

I couldn't help smiling as I walked inside, seeing them sitting around a table with Jordan telling them some story that was making both women laugh with almost tears in their eyes.

"Hey, Bell," my sister was the first to become aware of my presence. "Did you..." She made a pause, wary eyes looking from me to the door behind me before settling on me again. Her voice was as hesitant as my thoughts. "Did you find her?"

"No." I sighed. "She's just told me about her life awake."

"How long?" Thea rose her eyes, clearing her throat. "You know how long she was awake before recording that?"

"Around three years."

"Yeah, I remember waking her up." Jordan intervened. He nodded as we three focused on him. "I also remember crying a lot growing up whenever my dad put her back into cryo and sitting by her bed when he told me he'd wake her up. I loved her so much."

"So you remember her?"

"Of course!" Jordan grinned. "She might've been awake for just three years while I was growing up, but I always had so much fun whenever she was awake, even if it was just a couple of days because my dad didn't want her to grow old without you." I could see the affection for Sam in Jordan's eyes. "Besides, she always made sure other people were around when she wasn't. You know how she woke up everyone that was hurt from the war?" I nodded. "She encouraged me to speak with all of them. She said there is always something to learn from others. She taught me Trig so I could speak with the elderly, but I'm not good at it."

"But you don't know what happened to her?" Octavia asked.

"No, the last time I saw her awake I was 10." Jordan faced my sister. "Mom made me promise I wouldn't wake her up again, but I still sat under her bed and talked to her." Jordan chuckled. "I was a talkative kid and I always felt like she'd always listen."

"You still are." Thea chuckled before she looked at me. "What do we do?"

"I don't know. I need time to... think."

"Do you want me to get you to ani's room?"

"No," I smiled as I heard the nickname. Auntie. "I'm sure I can find it on my own."

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘯 · 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘥 ⁶Where stories live. Discover now