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─── 「TIMELESS」 ───

     Thea, Jordan, and I talked for well over two hours with no signs of Bellamy

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     Thea, Jordan, and I talked for well over two hours with no signs of Bellamy. I understood the ship was massive, and I knew Bellamy would be looking everywhere, including the cleaning closets, probably twice, until he found a sign of Sam. I couldn't begin to imagine what he must've been going through, but I knew it wasn't any easier for me.

Sam was my sister. She had been since we set foot on Earth and she had been nothing but friendly, kind, and open with me. Back when I had no friends, she had been an anchor to hold onto. And we had remained like that for years.

Yes, the bunker had taken its toll even on us and our relationship. Things always escalated quickly between us, maybe because we were so different deep down, or maybe because we were so alike.

A part of me knew Sam was alive. I knew she'd never disappear into nothingness without leaving something for us behind to follow her, and even if I didn't know what the video said, by how Bellamy had reacted to it, I knew it had no clues on her whereabouts. And that wasn't something my sister would do.

But a part of me couldn't help but wonder what if. What if she had been attempting one of her crazy reckless ideas and it had gone wrong? And a far more terrifying scenario: what if Sheidheda had ended what he had started? I was positive she had kept the Flame when we went into cryo, but I hadn't thought how that chip would behave going into a deep sleep. What if it didn't work for her? What if her mind had stayed awake and Sheidheda had taken over her body? I didn't want to think about it. It terrified me.

I just wanted my sister back. I wanted us to go down to the new planet together and start again. Start again and not lose so much. Not hurt so deeply. Love harder. Live better.

The door to the room we were in opened out of the blue. I looked back over my shoulder, expecting to see my brother there, but fearing the expression he'd carry. However, he was not the man I saw standing just by the door, calculating eyes searching the room.

"Roan?" I stood up like a spring. "What the hell?"

"I see that long nap did not improve your manners." Roan's eyes settled on me. "Where is she?"

"She?" Thea took a step from the back of the room where she had been going over a couple of books with Jordan. "You mean Sam?"

"Whom else would I be looking for?"

Roan scoffed, his eyes moving behind Thea, and his expression completely morphed from annoyance to surprise. He walked straight to Jordan. I thought he'd consider him a threat as he didn't know him, or so I thought until Jordan spoke.

"Shila!" [protector]


Confused didn't even begin to cover how I felt. Nothing made sense. Roan had been wounded and on the verge of death last I knew. And Jordan... well, he hadn't even been born when Roan went into cryo.

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