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─── 「TIMELESS」 ───

                        Explaining everything and answering the million questions everyone had, had been

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                        Explaining everything and answering the million questions everyone had, had been... exhausting. Thankfully, I had some leftover food from the previous day in the fridge that eased my way down memory lane.

I had always known how this would go. The million questions they would have, the things they would find hard to believe and understand, and how tiring it'd be for me after repeating the same thing with different words ten times.

I understood, but having to relive all that time had not been easy. First, because it had been a long time lived to retell in a few words, and second, because a lot had happened during those years.

Well, technically it could have been summarized pretty easily, but I had been doing plenty of different things and endless work around the ship, both with Monty and Harper, and on my own with the Commanders. It turned out being a ship captain was a lot of work and I was going to be more than happy when someone else took over that because being a captain was not for me. Not anymore, anyway. And especially not after Becca had spoiled me by being able to do 70% of the tasks all on her own.

So, with everyone sitting in front of their own nice bowl of veggies and beans, filling up their hungry stomachs after that long nap, I had tried to put it all in as simple of terms as I could. They didn't need to know how many times I had thrown away uneatable tomatoes, how many afternoons I had spent in MedBay after Kai went a little bit overboard in the training ground, or how many times I had almost electrocuted myself with Becca's ideas before we managed to build the connection between my subconscious, her subconscious, and the ship.

At the end of the day, I had had fun and I had survived.

I had lived. And I had found my love for life and its little things again. Something I thought I could have lost during the worst years in the bunker. Thankfully, I had been wrong. I was still a dreamer to my core. Childish maybe. But I was content that way.

"You are trying to tell me that you've been awake for around 12 extra years, yet still somehow look almost the same age I am." Octavia looked at me with narrowed eyes, enumerating everything she was saying with her fingers. "Roan is alive, completely healthy, and in top shape as a Nightblood thanks to your marrow and blood. You have completely bonded with the Flame as one. And Becca Pramheda controls the ship?" I nodded. That was an excellent summary if they asked me. "Did I miss anything?"

"She is tight friends with the Dark Commander." Roan pointed at me. "And he has a nickname."

"I wouldn't say tight." I rolled my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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