Where are you??

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Where are you ?
I couldn't know it,
The distance only increases;

Where are you ?
Nobody wants to translate,
I feel like everything has to be rebuilt;

Where are you ?
Memories of the past resurface,
And that puts me in a big bind;

Where are you ?
I would not know how to say it,
And that pains me;

Where are you ?
Where did our relationship go?
Where does abdication come from?
Time wins over us,
We'd have to reconnect;

Where are you ?
It's as if I no longer exist,
And this is just a surplus;

Where are we ?

This relationship so cherished before,
Is lost in time;

Where are you ?
I don't want to know anymore
I should have noticed,
That you can't have it all;

But where are you ?

You can't get everything in life. it's not what we wish that's going to happen or what we want that we're going to get.

Don't let emotion hide reality. 🙏🙏

My HeartOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant