I Need Help

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I'm lost in this maze of life,

Trying to find my way out of the strife.
The road ahead seems so unclear,
And my heart is filled with doubt and fear.

I need help to find my feet,
To lift me up and help me to see,
That there's a way out of this darkness,
And that hope is not too far away.

I need strength to face my fears,
And courage to wipe away my tears;
Someone to guide me through the night,
To bring back my spirit and my light.

So here I am, humbly asking for aid,
Reaching out to those who are not afraid;
To lend a hand and help me stand,
To walk me through this barren land.

For I know that I can't do this alone,
That I need others to help me find my home;
And with your support, I know I'll rise above,
And find the strength to keep pushing and never give up.

I need help 🥺

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