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I am not strong, I know it well,

My shoulders are heavy, my strength has left me.

Life's trials have weakened me,

And I feel so fragile, so diminished.

Storms have swept away my confidence,

Obstacles have tarnished my hope.

I feel lost, without any guidance,

Like a ship adrift on the sea.

Tears flow down my face,

My heart is shattered, in pieces, in outrage.

Pain envelops me, overwhelms me,

And I feel so vulnerable, so helpless.

But despite all this, I keep moving forward,

I fight against my demons, I rise again.

Because even though I am not strong,

I still find the strength to fight some more.

I may be weak, but I am resilient,

I may be broken, but I am still alive.

Life may test me, bring me to my knees,

But I refuse to be defeated by the blows.

For in my weakness, I find my strength,

In my wounds, I find my resource.

I may be fragile, but I am also courageous,

And I will continue to fight, no matter what.

In the depths of uncertainty, a voice cries out,

"I'm not strong," it whispers, filled with doubt.

But listen closely, dear friend, for the truth lies within,

Strength is not simply measured by the battles we win.

Strength manifests in vulnerability, in the tears we shed,

In the rawness of emotions, the fears we tread.

It's in the moments of weakness we find our might,

For it takes courage to admit when we're not feeling right.

Strength is found in asking for help, reaching out for a hand,

Knowing that together, we can withstand.

The weight of the world, the burdens that we bear,

United we stand, with compassion to share.

Strength is not stoicism, masking every pain,

It's allowing ourselves to feel, to heal, to regain.

To acknowledge our flaws, our imperfections so true,

And continue moving forward, embracing the new.

Strength lies in resilience, in getting back up,

After every setback, every spilled cup.

It's in the scars on our hearts, the battles we've fought,

That shape us, define us, and the lessons they've brought.

So yes, I am not strong,

But I have the determination to move forward.

And even if sometimes I stumble and fall,

I will always rise again, for I am stronger than I believe.

My HeartOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant