Let it End

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Mekayla POV

As if being controlled, I flew towards the balcony. I stood over the red-headed bitch, waiting for her to strike first. The red-headed bitch stood from her stool, pulling out an iron dagger from behind her. 

"Hello, little bird. You've fallen quite far from your nest," The red-headed girl teased. "If you were smart, you'd see that I'm not a bird," I rolled my eyes at the girl. She laughed and pointed the dagger at me. "I'm glad I didn't kill you. Now, I get to be close enough to see you suffer when you die," The red-headed girl shouted as she charged towards me. She tried to stab me, but I grabbed her hand. Using her other hand, she grabbed my throat and began to squeeze. I started to become weak due to the lack of oxygen. She took this opportunity to move the dagger closer towards my throat. Once she was close enough, she nicked the side of the throat. I gasped from the pain as blood ran down my chest. 

Gripping her hands tighter, I head-butted her. She screamed from the pain. Her nose was broken and gushing blood. The red-headed girl ripped her hand away from mine and stabbed me in my leg. I screamed, pushing the girl against the organ. The girl then ran towards me, and together we fell from the balcony. I opened my wings and let the girl fall. I landed near the girl's lifeless body. "You shouldn't have tested me," I hissed before joining the moor folk at the doors.

"Have you found a way out?" I asked the moor folk. "No, I think something is blocking the door from the outside," Knotgrass whimpered. "Alright, but where is Flitter?" I asked. "She's dead," Thislewit cried into her hands. Before I could say anything, I fell to the floor in pain. Looking at my leg, I hissed in more pain. Blood gushed out of my leg, not stopping. "Shit, that bitch must have hit an artery," I said under my breath. Through my pain, I managed to get myself up. I looked towards the window and got an idea. "Everyone, I'm going to break the window! We can escape through it!" I shouted, making my way towards the window. 

I flew towards the ceiling and dove towards the window. I covered myself with my wings as glass shattered. I yelled out in pain as I landed on the ground. The moor folk began to climb out of the window and checked to see if I was ok. Looking up around, I gasped in horror. 

Just as Borra had said, the fey and humans were fighting. I attempted to stand but fell. "My leg is numb," I whimpered. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ulstead knights running towards us. "RUN! EVERYONE, GET AS FAR AWAY FROM HERE AS POSSIBLE!" I shouted at the moor folk. "But, what about you, Mekayla?" Thislewit asked while being pulled by Knotgrass. "JUST RUN!" I screamed again. I attempted to stand again, and I started to limp in the opposite direction of the moor folk. 'I'll be damned if I let these pussies kill more faeries.' 

I could hear the knights behind me shouting profanities. The grass crushed below my feet as I limped faster. Suddenly, I was knocked down by an iron net. "AHHH!" I screamed as the iron burned my skin. The knights began trying to stab me with their spears. "AS THE PRINCE OF ULSTEAD, I COMMAND YOU TO BACK AWAY FROM HER!" Philip shouted towards the knights. "We only take orders from Queen Ingrid!" One of the knights said, turning his spear on Philip. Using the strength I had left, I clapped my hands together. A wave of red magic sent the knights back, leaving them wounded. 

Philip ran towards me, ripping the net off. He began to help me up. "Mekayla, you shouldn't be here. My mother is going to kill all of the faeries," Philip said, wrapping my arm around his neck. "Yea, I know. She sent that red-headed bitch to kill the moor folk," I hissed. Just then, Aurora ran up to us, out of breath. I couldn't help but tear up at the sight of Aurora. She looked at me, also tearing up. "Auntie, I'm sorry," Aurora whimpered. "I know neither you nor Maleficent cursed King John. It was Queen Ingrid. Please, forgive me," Aurora continued, throwing her arms around me. Using my free arm, I wrapped it around her. "It's alright, Aurora. However, we need to stop this war," I said, letting go of Aurora. 

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