My life in the Orphanage for Mutant Animorphs

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Ranboo POV

I groan and roll out of bed only to get whacked on the head with Mrs. Evans cookware. I think to myself "That'll leave a bruise, but I'll be just fine" I stood up and rubbed my head while Evans shouted at me, "GO MAKE BREAKFAST! YOU AREN'T HERE TO LAZE AROUND ALL DAY!" 

I walk to the bathroom and splash some cold water on my face and then run down the old rotting steps to the kitchen, where the younger ones wait eagerly for breakfast. "whatcha making today Mr. Boo?" "nothin' special just... CINNAMON PANCAKES." the looks on their faces are so happy, it makes me almost sad. they shouldn't be here, they should have a loving home. not like me. I deserve to be here. I'm a monster. I wipe that thought from my mind and pick up Lacey and put her up on my shoulders so she can reach the spice cabinet. she picks out the cinnamon and I set her down to grab the mix.

after the first 10 pancakes are done I set them out on plates for the little ones while the people around my age start to come downstairs. 'oh no, here they come'  they've always picked on the little ones, so today I say, "hey, want some pancakes I'll have five in the next few minutes!" this isn't gonna work. "nah, there's already some right on the table for us." Mackenzie, a 13 year old girl who uncontrollably morphs into a poisonous snake, stands up and says, "Ran made these for us! back the FUCK off or you'll be in the hospital in a few minutes!" 'shit, she means it. but they don't know that'  "Hah! what's some little girl who can't even control her morphin' gon' do to us?"



That's all I hear from "the beating room" Mackenzie bit Zach right as Evans came in the room, so Zach, being the favorite, immediately said it was unprovoked.

"AHGGGGGGHGGGGGGGGGGGGG" I can't take it anymore. I morph and burst through the door and block Evans' belt with my ender enhanced strength. and say in a strangled voice, "don't hurt her, hurt me. I deserve it." "Ran, no!" "yes, now go."


As I stagger out of the room and limp to the bathroom to see the damage, Sue, a girl around my age sees and rushes for the bandages and puts them over the cuts upon cuts all over my back. She turns me around and says "Ran, I won't always be there for you. You need to be selfish sometimes. It's okay." "but-" "nope I don't wanna hear it, go sleep" Sue has been a childhood friend of mine since before we both were dropped here. she's a blaze, almost as hated as the enderman.

she gave me a gentle hug and propelled me towards my room, where I laid down against the lumpy rectangle that was my bed. shit, i have school tomorrow.



496 words

I hope I'll be able to write longer chapters but okay. also, Double update who?

anyways love you all so much. always remember that if you're going through shit I'm here if you need to vent (amogus)

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