Gay boy

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TW: homophobia, blood, bullying 

Tubbo POV


'What a way to start my morning,'  I think as I rub my head in pain. I look up to see the slanted ceiling above my head 'why did I want an attic bedroom?'  My mom pokes her head through the door. "you alright tubbs?" "Yeah mum, just hit my head." "oh, d'you want to move the bed? this has happened a lot since you moved up here." "maybe later, I've got school today." "'kay, bye! I've got to leave for work!" "Bye Mum!"

My parents don't know about the bullying. they're too busy, so I can never talk to them. It's better not to bother them anyways.

After I shower, I head downstairs into the kitchen "hey Lani!" "hey!" Lani knows though, but I've asked her not to tell Mum or Dad. Or anyone at all. she barely agreed, and she only did because I let her use my gaming computer for a week. she made a world on Minecraft full of STRANGE photos, which she obviously though was hilarious, judging by the maniacal laughter I heard from my room.

Lani, being the best sister on earth (most of the time) sets down a plate of Belgian waffles with whipped cream and raspberries for me to eat. I think she pities me. but as long as I get waffles in the morning, I don't really care.


Ranboo POV

As I walk to school, (the orphanage has no transport, and if they did it would be shit) I notice a small brunette boy with goat horns (A/N sorry if this is confusing, but you keep a small part of your animal in you human form. ex. ranboo has black and white horns in human form.)  being dragged into an alley by five huge boys. "shit," I mutter to myself as I run towards the alley.

I run into a strangled cry from goat boy "AYE! WHAT THE FUCK D'YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING TO HIM," I yell. I don't know why, but I want to protect this small boy. I don't believe he deserves this shit. "Well because he's a little faggot, he deserves it just like you you mutant freak!" I strike him across the face, knocking him flat on the floor, which is enough for the other guys to run like the cowardly bastards they are. 

I wipe the blood from my knuckles onto the boys shirt and turn to goat boy "hey, I need to know if you can stand. You willing to try?" goat boy nods and tries to stand, but falls, crumpling, coughing his own blood onto his chest. 'fuck, I don't have a phone'  I morph again and pick the boy up and run to the nearest telephone booth. Panicking, I dial 911 "911 what's your emergency?" "I'm at ______ ln., and I've got a boy whos been beat up really bad, he's coughing up his own blood, he cant fucking stand, oh my god this is all my fault if only I had gotten there sooner! shit! SHIT! SHIT!"  "Sir, I need you to calm down, we have an ambulance on the way. just breathe. If you need I can stay on the line." Right as she says this, the flashing lights of the ambulance appear at the edge of the street, and I sigh in relief. He'll be okay.


Tubbo POV

I wake up to the sound of humming machines. 'where am I?'  I can hear faint voices, but  they come to me in a haze. I try to lift my head but I can't. I try to talk, but I can't. Suddenly, everything comes into sharp focus and I'm hit by everything at once. I cry out in pain. And then everything fades again...


3rd person POV

The doctors came in right after tubbo shouted and said to ranboo and tubbo's parents, "he most likely woke up and had to deal with a sensory overload. he'll fully wake up next time, I promise." After they left, Mr. smith turned to ranboo and said, "thank so much for bringing tubbo to the hospital, but I need you to answer some questions. first what happened that tubbo was so beaten up from?"

 "A group of bullies attacked him in a back alley on the way to school." 

"Why would they do that to him?" 

Ranboo POV

'should I?'  "I think you'll have to ask tubbo on that one." 

"okay, now, how do you know tubbo?"

"I actually don't, I just saw him being dragged into an alley."

"Well that was good of you. last question. I've walked long tubbo's route to school and I think I know which alley you're talking about, and the nearest telephone booth is a quarter of a mile away. how in the world did you get there so quickly with tubbo?"

"ummmm, well, my morph is very strong."

"what is it? judging by those horns on your head, it must be beautiful."

"It's actually terrifying, but if you want the shit scared out of you, I can."

"I think I can handle it."

I morph. What horrible timing. Tubbo woke up at that exact moment. shit. I probably just lost a friend. but tubbo blinks. rubs his eyes and says, "wow, that's a pretty morph." If I were in human form, I would have been blushing so hard my face came off. wait no. I'm not gay. I don't like anyone that way. "I bet your morph looks pretty nice. mine is horrifying."

"It's really not." I turn to Mrs. Smith. "thank you. It truly means a lot to me." "I agree. Nobody should be Judged for who they are," this came from Mr. Smith. this message carries a bitter memory for me.


Ranboo Flashback

"MUMM! I think I'm morphing and it HURRRRTSS."

"OH MY LORD! I'll be there in a second."

I ran to the small oval mirror in the hallway to see half of my face turning black and the other turning white. I tried to speak but all that would come out were hoarse screams. Soon enough, I began to grow taller. and taller. my mum came in with a camera and said, "Ranboo race th-AAAAHHHHH" I did face the camera. my father came running in shouting. then he looked at me and said, "son we're taking you somewhere." that was the day everything went downhill.



I figured out an update schedule. I will upload every saturday, with no fixed time of day. If I'm late or early I'll post an announcement.

Have a nice day! in my area it snowed. so i will stay in the house like a tall gremlin.

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