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AN: I am not going to talk about what happened in the exam unless you guys want me too if so I will add an extra chapter before this one. Enjoy (`・ω・')
Kai's POV
I started opening my eyes to a light that seemed far to bright and then I heard a voice. " Morning sleeping beauty" I recognized the voice but couldn't pin point who it was and to be honest I didn't really care. I closed my eyes once again and almost slipped back in to sleep, that was until I realized the amount of pain my body was in. My back sides and stomach hurt but not near as much as my head. The pain I was in I would compare to a minor car accident but if I was right where the collision happened. I tried to roll to my stomach to offer some sort of relief but was stopped. " sorry but at the moment you can't lay on your stomach" I got kinda mad but listened anyway and rolled back onto my back. At last I opened my eyes to see who refused me my tummy sleep. It was bright, too bright and hurt my eyes. After my eyes adjusted I saw Nya, Zane, Jay, and their sensei. I understood 2 of those people but Jay and Wu? It confused me. Then I realized something, how many things did he find? I knew I had at least one std but I had no clue about trackers cameras or diseases.  I looked to the nindroid in search of answers and was kinda hoping he'd be looking at be and understanding what I meant without asking but alas luck has failed me. " how bad were the results?" He looked at me and with a rather big sigh said, " at least 3 but not all the results have came back yet" I was kinda surprised not at the fact there were 3 but that so far at least there were only 3 and I said that "only 3?" "That is something you should have none of" Nya said briskly. " we found no electronics but there are some illnesses you are exposed to but don't have as far as we know" that's one good thing at least. " anyway you did absolutely great but we are going to do a mental checkup. I'm going to let you rest some of this off first tho" he, Wu, and Jay left which left me with Nya. I wasn't going to say anything but she spoke first. " their all safe" I was overjoyed to hear those words " you didn't send them home did you?" I asked in fear. All our bosses knew exactly where we lived and how to get their " they are each in a safe space some with family other with friends and are being watch by officers 24/7" I was very relieved to hear this. "Kai what do you know about Morro?" Those words made me tense up but I knew she needed the answers. " like what exactly?" " his business, what he does, how he keeps avoiding, and hiding spaces." I sighed and started speaking " he owns a water selling company but has been putting addictive drugs in the water to keep people buying it, he has a signal block at his house and under his house he has a hole dug that looks like a crawl space but it's where he hides the body's my bosses give him in return for a lot of money that they end up just passing back and forth" she was shocked at this information and how I knew it. She was probably questioning why I didn't tell her sooner but I will save that all for another day as Nya left the room and I got comfy to sleep.

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