Chapter 1: Hardworking Otaku

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It was noon and the sun was at the highest point blaring heat waves at full power. The high temperature struck against Darwin's body who was panting as he pedalled with difficulty to complete today's delivery. He panted as he rode towards his destination with his black hair was completely drenched while sweat rolled down his glowing cheeks.

Darwin Hoozer was originally a very lazy otaku and definitely wouldn't be doing this kind of physically demanding work especially when he had to do so under the sun's intense heat. His family could be considered to be well-off for him to live comfortably without a job. However, his parents really hated his lazy nature and decided to deal with it.

As a result, Darwin was forced to work together with his parents on the family business. His parents had established a successful restaurant and could be considered well known in the area. They live in a considerably populated city and their restaurant was situated within a good spot. Coupled with their talents in cooking, the restaurant was bound to be successful.

Recently, they've had thoughts on expanding the business and so they implemented a delivery system where customers could order certain items from the menu from their homes.

The new feature of the restaurant had been successful and it expanded their customer base. Every minute, they would be receiving tens of orders and caused the restaurant to be even busier than usual as they would be cooking for customers while rushing to accomplish online orders at the same time. This gave Darwin's parent's an idea. They invited him to work in the restaurant which he vehemently refused.

This wasn't the first time Darwin had been told to get a job. He had just reached eighteen but still has the mental maturity of a sixteen-year old because he had been spoiled by his parents while also shutting himself in his room, completely isolated to the outside world. His parents did partly blame themselves that Darwin had turned like this so they didn't reprimand him enough which caused him to become even lazier. Most of the time, he would be in his room either playing games or reading novels.

This time however, the restaurant was really lacking some manpower and Darwin's parents wanted to use this opportunity to change his character. Darwin had no talent whatsoever in the kitchen so his parents wanted to turn him into a delivery boy. This way, he will also be able to exercise this physically poor body while earning some money.

Mr. and Mrs. Hoozer had also been a little bit fiercer this time and didn't listen to their son's heart-wrenching wails as he begged to be let go. However, they had been merciless and directly cut off his internet connection and confiscated all of his electronic gadgets. Starting from there, Darwin had to pay for the internet connection himself and he could only get his gadgets and computer back when he earns a certain amount of money.

Fortunately for Darwin, his parents had been more generous with his salary. He could get paid for every successful delivery and his salary was way higher than other delivery boys. Naturally, this attracted the envy of others but they couldn't do anything since his parents own the restaurant and that they knew that this was their training to their lazy son. The high salary could be considered his motivation to push forward.


Finally, after some time, Darwin had completed the last delivery for the day. For this day, he had actually successfully delivered five more orders than usual which naturally meant a bigger pay. Thinking of the past few days where he was forced to work hard, he sighed as he really missed those carefree days where he could play games all day and read novels when he's bored.

However, he was also filled with a sense of accomplishment as he managed to complete his job and even surpass his usual results. Darwin found that feeling really satisfying, even more so than beating up noobs in video games. That basically served as another motivation for him to work harder.

Mr. and Mrs. Hoover had been really happy watching their son as he gradually matured and learned how to take on responsibilities. They had been very satisfied with his performance that they had planned to lift the requirement to get back his devices slightly. Of course, they didn't tell this Darwin directly and instead let him "accidentally" overhear to motivate him to work harder.

This plan had been super effective as Darwin's performance shot up as he strived to deliver as much orders in the least amount of time. Others were stunned watching him as he picked up orders and pedal away with overflowing enthusiasm. This gave pressure to other employees as they unconsciously worked harder to match their young boss' enthusiasm for work.

Eventually, Darwin had earned enough money to "buy" back his phone. However, he decided to postpone "buying" it in the end as he decided to earn more to "buy" everything back in one go. This gave him another week of intense picking up of orders and delivering.

This had served as an intense work out for him as his plump body had slimmed down a bit and his facial features had sharpened slightly.

Finally, after some time, Darwin had finally earned enough and claimed his gadgets and computer back from his parents. Of course, they did so gladly as he really deserved it but they also left a few stern warnings that if he ever slacked, they would take everything back from him. Additionally, he still had to pay for the internet connection and also pay more attention to his studies.

Darwin obediently followed as he was scared of losing his "babies" once more. It felt like hell when they had to be separated so he naturally didn't have thoughts on slacking off. He worked just as hard as he still had to pay monthly for the internet. He could choose not too, but the internet had already become a necessity for him and wouldn't be able to live without it.

Time slowly passed and it had been several days since he had gotten his devices back. Darwin threw himself towards his bed as he dug through his pocket to get his phone. He initially thought of playing some music as he rested his exhausted muscles when he found that his phone had somehow stopped working normally.

Darwin saw that his screen had become dark and only the words "[SYSTEM LOADING...]" were present. His thought ran wild for a moment and he imagined himself obtaining his own system that he had seen from novels but he quickly shook off those ideas as it was too unrealistic.

It's just that he still didn't know what to do with the phone as he couldn't access any of its functions during the process. Since Darwin saw that it was loading, he just thought that it would be over soon and it would be back to normal.

Or would it...

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