Chapter 3: First Bucket of Gold

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A new change had appeared on the system after it Darwin agreed on the absorption. First, his money disappeared. Then it appeared on one of the slots below his character information.

Darwin was amazed at first but then realized something. That was, he couldn't get his money back after the system absorbed it! Or at least he didn't know how to. His eyes became bloodshot as he cried, "Give me my money back!"

He felt like crying at the moment as that was money that he earned after a day of hard work. However, no matter how much he begged, the system didn't return the money to him.

After bitterly crying for a few minutes, he then took some time to observe the system. Since he couldn't get his money back, he might as well study the change it brought after being absorbed. Unfortunately, aside from there being a "1/10" inside the occupied slot, there was nothing else.

Darwin sighed bitterly as his plans on wasting some money on junk food was destroyed. He then opened his computer and decided to vent his frustration on some noobs again. Because of that, he gained some fame and earned the reputation of a "Noob Killer".

He did that until nighttime when he was called down for dinner. Darwin felt a little tired beating up those newbies do he immediately went for dinner. After having a delicious meal, Darwin immediately went and prepared to go to bed.


The next day, he planned to work even harder to make up for yesterday's loss. Everyone was speechless as they watched him pedal furiously as if there was no tomorrow and barely took any rests in between. This behavior had worried his parents but he just reassured them that nothing was wrong and he just wanted to earn more bonus money. He also told them that his body could take all the work as he had been constantly exercising which strengthened his body.

His parents were finally relieved but still gave some advice on taking more care of his body and not to be careless and fall on harm's way. Darwin just obediently nodded like a good kid and then continued working like mad.

Finally, Darwin's five hours were up and it was time to get paid and to go home. He went to find his parents and then received his pay soon after. The salary his parent's gave him was $22/hour and that was already pretty high which attracted a lot of envy. This wasn't even mentioning the extra $1 bonus for every successful delivery.

Still, others couldn't do anything about it and just treated it as their bosses employing their son as an excuse to give him more pocket money, which was actually part of the real reason why they did so.

For this day, he received $127 which was composed of the $110 salary for five hours together with $17 bonus for the successful deliveries. Before he could be happy though, he immediately thought of the possibility of it disappearing and he unconsciously held tight onto it.

First, he immediately rushed home and then waited if the notification would appear. Darwin thought that the system could detect whenever he obtained money so he waited and in no time, the notification appeared.

Darwin was nervous this time but still opened up the app. He saw that it was the same notification he received yesterday, asking if he wanted the system to absorb the money.

This time, Darwin was much more clear-headed compared to yesterday so he saw that there were arrows pointing left and right beside the specified amount. He was enlightened and thought that it was probably a way to set up the amount of money to be absorbed. He immediately clicked on it and brought down the value to $1. He then clicked the 'Absorb' button .

However, instead of a dollar disappearing, a notification first appeared that contained words of caution.

[Warning, absorbing this amount now will bring down the average amount earned per tap after the overall submission. You can choose to proceed or bring up the value to submitted to an amount that is equal or close to the first amount.]

Darwin was stunned at suddenly receiving the warning but this also brought him some information about the system's function.

"It said something about amount earned per tab. That's right! Why didn't I think of that. The system's name is the Idle Miner Tycoon System which is based on a game that lets me earn resources just by tapping as fast as I can. This is probably its function."

"Holy shit! Isn't this a bit too ridiculous? I just learned how to work hard and now I've gotten a system that let's me earn money by doing nothing."

Darwin's disappointment in the system was immediately washed away as he kneeled down and started worshipping it.

After being done with his embarrassing antics, he composed himself and analyzed the system further. He had tried tapping but he didn't receive any money. He then looked towards the requirement on the slot. It still said the same "1/10"

"If my guess is right, then I just have to submit some money nine more times to be able to complete it. I also can't submit a too few amount as the overall value would dwindle."

He then submitted only hundred dollars as he still had to use the rest on some random stuff he wanted to buy. Following that, he was just even more motivated to earn money so he could submit it to the system.

"If I want to live an idle life, first, I have to work hard!" This would probably become Darwin's life motto in the future.

For the next few days, he had continued on his rampage on delivering as much orders as he could and in the blink of an eye, eight days had passed which was just enough to earn enough money to submit exactly ten times. Each time, he submitted $100 and combined with the initial $121, the average value became $102.1.

After the complete submission, the slot the contained the money changed and turned into gold. At the same time, the number requirement changed from 0/10 to 0/10,000. Darwin was immediately scared off by the huge requirement so he directly ignored it.

He then tried tapping the screen and a green +$102.1 appeared on where he tapped. At the same time, the number requirement also changed into 1/10,000. Darwin was ecstatic as that meant that he didn't have to do 10,000 submissions but was even more happier at the fact that he was able to obtain a hundred dollars through a tap.

However, Darwin didn't see any money appear so he guessed that it might have been transferred to his bank account and sure enough, he found an additional $102.1 in his account. He was worried at first that people would question where he got the money but then remembered that other systems he'd read about had methods that let them deposit huge amounts of money without anyone ever finding out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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