Chapter 2: System

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Darwin had waited for several minutes but he still hadn't seen any sign of the loading screen going away anytime soon. Left with no choice, he just tossed it aside on one side and opened his computer instead.

He opened his browser and just searched up a few random videos to watch and take up his time while he waits for his phone to finish loading whatever it was trying to install. Most videos he watched were just random videos such as cat videos, dumb people getting hurt and a few funny vids.

This did take up most of Darwin's attention as he gradually forgot about the matter and watched several videos in a row.

Just as he was laughing his brains out at some random clip, he was startled by a sudden ring that seemed to come from his bed. He looked over and couldn't figure out what made that noise when it sounded out again. This time, he walked over and saw his phone hidden beneath the sheets.

The phone this time wasn't stuck on the loading screen and instead, there was a pop-up notification with the words:



Darwin was stunned by this message claiming to be a system that was similar to the ones he had read about in novels. Looking over at the two choices, he hesitated whether to accept or not. Deep inside, he really wanted to accept as it was basically his dream of obtaining his own overpowered system. However, this was too unreal to be actually encountering it in real life and he wondered if he had gone insane from working too hard.

After pondering over some time, he decided to accept and see what this so called system has in store for him. Clicking on the "yes" option, the pop-up notification then disappeared on the screen. Looking at his phone, Darwin found that basically nothing had changed aside from an additional app.

Darwin saw the name [Idle Miner Tycoon] which was basically one of the most popular idle tycoon game out there. However, Darwin didn't remember downloading this game so he figured that this was the [IDLE MINER TYCOON SYSTEM] in disguise.

Wanting to check it out, he clicked on it which immediately brought him to a new screen. Scanning over it, Darwin frowned as he found nothing special about it and the design was overly simplistic. It only contained his basic information such as name, gender, age, health status with a cartoon drawing of the ground as the background.

Darwin tried to scroll down and found what seemed to be three empty slots whose functions he did not know of. He tried looking if there was a 'Help' button or even a 'Settings' button but found that other than everything already shown, there was nothing else for Darwin to discover.

This made Darwin's mood drop to the lowest point as he really had the hope of obtaining a strong system that would help him become stronger without putting much effort. He disappointedly closed the app and set the phone aside again as he threw himself onto his bed.

Just a few moments after his head hit the pillow, he already drifted off to wonderland and started dreaming about becoming a superman with the help of his system and conquering beauties from everywhere, creating his own harem and building a kingdom to house them and giving birth to countless adorable sons and grandsons that would make his kingdom grow.

Sadly, Darwin had to say goodbye to that beautiful world in the end as he heard his name being called. His eyes fluttered open before quickly closing them back as he felt the piercing rays of the sun reflected off his face.

He was still pretty much half asleep at that time when he was fully woken up by a fierce roar that came from downstairs. He jolted up and quickly rushed downstairs and found his mom glaring at him.

"Hurry up and eat your breakfast! We still have work to do at the restaurant.", she scolded.

Darwin looked at the delicate beauty that was his mom. She had long and silky black hair with slightly slanted eyed which proved her Asian descent. Her beauty was the kind that made others feel warm and was incredibly pleasing to look at. She gave off very kind vibes and although she was really caring and loving, she had a natural fierce tone which made Darwin always scared even though he already knew this about his mom.

Darwin meekly nodded and obediently sat down on the table in front of his dad who was already stuffing food down his throat. He didn't really react much to it as soon, he also followed his dad in gobbling down the delicious breakfast. His mom was a pretty good cook after all. If not, their family business wouldn't be as successful as it is now.

After quickly swallowing down every bit of food, he washed it down with a few gulps of water and immediately rushed to prepare for work without even bothering to take a brief rest. His dad was still leisurely eating his food which pissed off his mom.

Darwin's dad was a chubby man but despite that, there were traces of his handsomeness from when he was young. Even when wearing a messy hairstyle while having a fat body, he still possessed some kind of charm that attracted ladies. It's just those ladies' words had changed from "so handsome" to "so adorable".

Darwin always lamented at the fact that he has such good-looking parents but his appearances was the most ordinary. He even doubted whether they were his biological parents at some point. The only thing he had inherited was his mom's black hair and probably his dad's chubbiness.

At last, everyone got prepared and they headed towards the restaurant for the opening. After arriving, Darwin saw that the restaurant's employees had already arrived and started work ahead of them. There were also already orders that were this in early morning so he only said a few words to his parents before dashing off towards his bike and picked up a few orders to be delivered.

Time passed by like that and soon, an hour gradually passed. Darwin had actually made five deliveries in that period which could be considered pretty fast considering he was using a bike. Thankfully, the addresses of the customers weren't too far from the restaurant.

Leo and Minerva, Darwin's parents had only required Darwin to work for five hours and the rest would be his free time. Darwin had already completed his first hour and was also about to start his second.

Darwin took moment to rest first beside a vending machine where he got a can of soda to quench his thirst. He didn't take took long as he still wanted to complete more deliveries today as it meant more bonus money from his parents.

Quickly, he managed to complete his second hour and then followed by the third hour up until the fifth hour. His body at this time was sore as he pushed himself to the max just because he was allured at the thought of more bonus money. His fatigue  seemingly disappeared as he received the money from his parents. He snatched away the envelope containing his pay and immediately ran back home while shouting goodbye to his parents.

Leo and Minerva just smiled bitterly at Darwin's antics but still watched on with loved-filled gazes.

As for Darwin, he planned to celebrate such a successful day by eating some junk food while beating up some noobs on his favorite game. As soon as he stepped inside the house though, he heard a families ring. He remembered it was the same sound his phone made when the IDLE MINER TYCOON SYSTEM was installed on his phone.

Darwin's hands trembled as he was reminded that he had gotten a system that he still didn't know the function of. He took out his phone and opened the app that was installed with the system's arrival. The first thing he saw was a notification that said:

[$121 dollars detected. Absorb?]

Seeing that the system finally came up with something new, Darwin just accepted in a daze. As a result, he was immediately woken up when he felt that the money in his hand disappeared. Following that, a change had appeared on one of the slots below his character information.

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