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Bakugou hissed out a sigh as the summer wind brushed over him. The holidays had started and a particularly insistent individual had dragged him out of the house and to the park. This individual had red spikey hair and pointy shark teeth, as well as a dazzling smile that the sun itself seemed to shine through. 

Bakugou and Kirishima, the red haired, shark toothed, smiling sun boy, were strolling down a gravel path in a peaceful garden. Trees surrounded them and bushes with bright, blooming flowers stuck out on the side of the path. Kirishima was chatting smoothly, a consistent flow of words to warn off awkward silence but nonsense enough not to matter if unheard. 

'I love summer! Do you Bakugou?' Kirishima asked, turning to look at him. Bakugou shrugged. 'It's better than winter.' he replied without elaborating. Kirishima took the answer and faced forward again, going on about how excited he was for the training camp coming up.

Bakugou stared at the back of his happy head as Kirishima practically skipped down the path. He knew he wasn't the ideal company. Bakugou had a violent nature and tendency to lash out so he had been surprised when Kirishima had actually tried to befriend him. 

'Don't you have better things to do?' Bakugou asked. Kirishima frowned at him, not sad or mad, but confused. Bakugou turned his own face away, the prolonged eye contact was making him slightly uncomfortable. Kirishima tapped a finger to his chin thoughtfully. 'Nope, I can't think of anything better to do.' Bakugou blushed and the red head let out a cheeky laugh.

'Ooh, is that an ice cream truck?!' Kirishima exclaimed excitedly, running off to a courtyard where benches surrounded a glorious fountain. Indeed there was an ice cream truck, colourful and adorned with a massive poster showing customers all the mouth-watering flavours. 'Want one?' Kirishima asked, sparkles in his eyes from the excitement. 'Whatever,' was all Bakugou said in return but the red head still beamed happily and bounced up to the front.

'Hello, can I please have a strawberry ice cream?' he requested politely to the ice cream woman. 'Sure! What about you?' she said, smiling at Bakugou. 'Chocolate I guess.' he replied, far less politely than Kirishima. They paid and she handed over the ice creams. 'Have a lovely day!' she called as they walked to the fountain. 'You too!' Kirishima responded, obviously.

They stood side by side, leaning on the fountain. Kirishima was biting into the soft, pink mountain of chilled dessert already, which made Bakugou wince. How he could deal with that temperature? Bakugou would never understand.

Bakugou preoccupied himself by slowly licking away at his own ice cream and staring into the fountain. The water was clear and beautiful, unusual compared to a lot of other fountains. The only thing that tainted this one was the layer of coins carpeting the bottom of the pond. Wishes thrown in by primary school kids and adults desperate enough to give it a shot. Bakugou had never made a wish on a coin before, having thought it stupid.

But for some reason, Bakugou felt young and hopeful standing here next to Kirishima. Feeling the younger man's arm brush against him and the rustle of his clothes made Bakugou soft. Kirishima's whole presence changed Bakugou, he kind of hated it and loved it at the same time. It defied his personality, but it calmed him.

Bakugou felt in his pockets for a spare coin, searching for a few minutes before feeling Kirishima grab his arm and press a shiny coin into his palm. 'Lucky back-pocket coin!' he grinned at Bakugou. 'What you gonna wish for?'

Bakugou thought for a minute, another time he might have wished to be stronger, to be number one. But this time only one thing came to his mind. He closed his eyes and tossed the coin into the fountain. I wish to do this with Kirishima again. Kirishima eyed him eagerly. 'Do tell,' he said eventually, crunching up the ice cream cone with his sharp teeth. 'No.' Bakugou said, finishing his own ice cream and turning away. 'Oh come on! I'll tell you what I'd wish for.' He said. 

Bakugou just started walking away from the fountain, ignoring the younger man. Kirishima ran to catch up with him and skidded a bit to match Bakugou's pace. 'I'd wish to do this with you again!' he smiled. The sun hit the back of Kirishima's head and now it really did look like the sun was shining out of him. Bakugou's cheeks heated up and he embarrassingly stuttered. 'You idiot.' he grumbled and Kirishima laughed. His laugh ringed like a big, beautiful bell and it warmed Bakugou, filled him up with the bright happiness Kirishima always seemed to be full of.

Kirishima slunk his arm through Bakugou's, linking them together. 'I bet you wished the same!' Was this boy a mind reader? Bakugou grumbled and attempted to pull away but Kirishima held him tightly by his side. 'I know because we always have the best times together!' he said brightly, staring into Bakugou's eyes.

He must be able to read minds. Bakugou smiled weakly, but made sure to hide this from the other. 'It wasn't the worst day out ever.' he said, not daring to say he actually enjoyed it, even though he did. Kirishima smiled again, softer and sweeter, if that were possible. 'I'll take that.' 

They walked quietly back along the path, in contrast to their walk on the way there. Kirishima kept his arm around Bakugou's and rubbed his fingers gently along Bakugou's skin, so lightly he almost didin't notice. Even though it was hot and should have been unpleasant, Bakugou was comforted by their shared warmth and didn't complain. 

Their arms unlinked when they reached the road where they had to part, though neither of them wanted to. Kirishima jumped and waved cheerily at Bakugou until he had rounded the corner.

 The two of them hadn't done anything particularly exciting or interesting that day, but somehow it became one of Bakugou's most cherished days, though he would never admit that to anyone, most certainly not Kirishima.

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