Snowy night

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The 1a dormitory building sat silently in the snow, enclosed in the dark and the only light coming from the pearly, full moon. Students were gathered by the window, staring out into the winter wonderland. They pressed their noses against the glass and watched as the snow fell. Trees were coated with the fresh white powder like someone had sprinkled Tokyo with icing sugar. 

'You're being a bit overdramatic for snow.' Bakugou sniggered, eyeing the other students with a judgmental stare. 'Shut up Bakugou, it's just so pretty!' Mina sighed, her fluffy pink hair pushed against the glass. 'It was snowing yesterday.' Bakugou retorted. Mina sighed and turned away from the window, promptly grabbing a pillow and throwing it at the blond.

'Well it's nice to appreciate beautiful things before a downer like you can come along and ruin it!' she half yelled at him. 'Calm down,' Kirishima said while Bakugou snarled at the pink haired girl. The red head walked from the window and around to the couch Bakugou was sitting on. He fell onto the couch, throwing an arm around Bakugou. The blond weakly attempted to shove him off, but also snuggled in a bit after Kirishima firmly held his ground.

'Snowy nights are just so lovely, we could watch a movie or chat with cups of hot chocolate, it's just the perfect time for friends and family!' Kirishima said cheerfully. Bakugou rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone. They could do whatever they wanted but he was going to sit here and mess around with his phone until he wanted to go to bed. 

Kaminari turned from the window. 'Hot chocolate? Damn Kirishima you got the best ideas.' the students by the window made their way to the living area and started discussing their plans for this evening. Bakugou scrolled through social media, quickly getting bored and making to get up.

'Where are you going?' Kirishima said, grabbing Bakugou's arm and pulling him back onto the couch. Bakugou's face flushed and he ripped his arm from the shark boy's grasp. 'Bed!' he growled at Kirishima. 'But we're all spending time together!' the red head whined. 'Not my problem.' Bakugou said back, but his voice had softened slightly and he made himself comfortable in the couch again. 'Shall I make us some hot chocolate?'

Kirishima and Sato made hot chocolates for everyone, bringing them into the living room. 'Here you are Kami,' Kirishima said, handing one to the excited blond. 'And here you are!' he said brightly, handing a drink to Bakugou, a much less excited blond. He grumbled a thanks and sipped at the hot chocolate. It was the perfect warmth. The kind that slides down your throat and heats your whole body up. The kind that almost burns you but doesn't hurt you. 

Everyone let out a simultaneous sigh, comforted by the warm beverage. For once the room was silent. Bakugou closed his eyes and lent back into the cosy cushions. 'Mmm, this is delicious. Thanks guys!' Bakugou's eyes snapped open. Of course the one to ruin his peace was damn Deku. 'Shut up you nerd!' he yelled and Midoriya shrunk into his chair. 

Kirishima suddenly placed a hand on Bakugou's arm and the blond jerked, turning to face him. 'Calm down bro. Shall we watch a movie?' his question was mostly directed to the others but he kept his hand on Bakugou's arm, squeezing it gently. He knew Kirishima was trying to calm him down but for some reason his heart started rapidly increasing its pace instead.

Bakugou went quiet and tried not to make eye contact with anyone for he could feel warmth in his cheeks and could only expect he was bright red. The others chatted about movies and finally seemed to decide on one. Bakugou had finished his hot chocolate and placed the empty mug onto the coffee table. He tried to look at the tv but every now and then his eyes would flick to Kirishima's hand, which was resting on his shoulder. 

The blond knew Kirishima was very affectionate and didn't seem to be swayed by touches like that but with every tiny movement Bakugou's heart would race. The red head would scratch his chin or slump down further into the couch. Over an hour he had melted into the couch, practically lying down. His position was so awkward compared to Bakugou, who was still sitting up straight with his hands in his lap, too nervous to move.

'What the hell are you doing Kirishima?' Mina laughed when she saw him. 'I have sunken into this city of pillows. I am one with the couch now.' Mina and Kaminari giggled at his words and soon everyone was ignoring the movie and staring at the two on the couch instead. 'Poor Bakugou, he looks like he has a stick up his butt!' Kaminari said. Bakugou scowled at him and pretended to not care about their conversation.

Kirishima wrapped his arms around the grumpy blond. Bakugou squirmed and pushed down on Kirishima's face. 'Get off would you?' he said grumpily, trying to keep his composure but the red head just held on tighter. 'Relax dude, join me in this utopia of comfortableness.' Bakugou set off his quirk and tried to blow up the other's face but Kirishima just hardened his head.

Everyone was laughing at them now, even that green haired nerd and the candy cane, fire and ice freak. Bakugou gave up and slumped down beside him. 'You best pay attention to the movie so we can finish this and I can get out of here.' he said, giving them all a cold stare. 'I dunno, I'm quite enjoying this,' said Kaminari cheekily, pausing the movie. 'I'm sure you also enjoy having legs, so play that movie before I shatter them worse then damn Deku's' 

They all quickly shut up and played the movie. Kirishima kept an arm around him the whole time and when the movie finished he whined before letting Bakugou go. They all helped clean up and then headed off to their separate bedrooms. Kirishima and Bakugou's rooms were next to each other so they walked together down the hallway.

'Sorry I was being such a pain, you need to chill out more!' Kirishima said apologetically, rubbing the back of his neck. 'It's whatever,' the blond replied, face reddening like he had been burnt. Kirishima gently punched his shoulder, less a punch, more a brush, and smiled his bright, sunshine smile. 'Then you'll have to expect more from now on!' he said wiggling his fingers. 'Massages, cuddles, tickle fights.' Kirishima's eyes lit up mischievously. He then opened his door and walked into his room. 'Night Bakugou.' 

Bakugou couldn't sleep that night. Every time he closed his eyes he thought of Kirishima, every time he thought of Kirishima his heart would race, and every time his heart started racing his mind fogged, his face flushed and he couldn't stop tossing and turning like a school girl with a crush. Bakugou was in a terrible state because of that red haired, shark toothed, sunshine smiling boy.

He couldn't for the life of him figure out why he was feeling this way, and it was starting to really piss him off. Bakugou sighed and stared at the ceiling. Maybe he would ask google later, but all he needed now was sleep and slowly, the boy drifted off.

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