Last chance

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Bakugou sat uncomfortably at his desk. His hands were clammy and he wasn't at all paying attention to the lesson. The cherry blossoms were blooming and baby birds were chirping from their nests. It was spring. Exams were rushing by and students were already making preparations for graduating. 

The class was no longer class 1a, but class 3a, and all the students were chatting about hero agencies and work after UA. Bakugou knew what he was doing. Make a name for himself and climb up the ranks faster than Hawks. He knew he'd have to start at another hero's agency but he hoped to soon have his own. There was only one thing he wasn't prepared for.

Kirishima, a happy, bright, beautiful boy, his friend and classmate. Bakugou had happily spent the last three years gazing at the red head from his seat and chit chatting with him and the bunch of losers he hung out with. He was not ready to leave. Bakugou knew how this went, they would say they would keep in touch and then they would drift apart. They might smile at each other in the supermarket or make small talk at class reunions but they wouldn't be friends like they were now.

And Bakugou knew. He knew this was the last chance he'd get to confess and tell Kirishima how he felt. That he had actually, genuinely fallen in love with the weird-haired loser. In all honesty, he wasn't certain of the response he would get. He sure hoped he wouldn't be rejected, but he wouldn't be surprised if he was.

Bakugou had been so lost in thought he didn't hear the bell ring. 'Hey bro! Lets head to lunch.' said a bubbly voice behind him. Speak of the devil. The blond cleared up his stuff and followed his friends out of the classroom and towards the cafeteria. Bakugou walked at the back of the group. There was only a week left of school. It had to be soon. 


Bakugou was clearing up his room, the students were to move out and then come back the next day for their graduation. He still hadn't told Kirishima yet, putting it off everyday and convincing himself he had more time. The blond huffed angrily as he zipped up his bag. He walked to his mother's car and she helped him pack his stuff in. 'Ready for adulthood?' she asked, starting the car. Bakugou just sighed in response. 'I hear you,' she replied with a chuckle.

The group of third years all stood patiently in the hall. People were called up and given awards. Bakugou heard his name but just walked up on auto pilot, not really knowing what he was doing. Most of the students in his class got awards, he saw Deku nervously walk up to the stage and take whatever he won. Momo went up and Iida too. Bakugou wasn't really paying attention until Kirishima's name was called out. 'Kirishima, Eijirou. For Excellence in Hero studies and winning the Citizenship award. Bakugou had to hold back a smile, that was so Kirishima. 

They all threw their hats in the air or whatever and walked around, chatting with parents and crying goodbyes into bestfriends' arms. Kirishima stood beside Bakugou and they took photos with eachother and their parents. Bakugou was building up courage, looking for an opening but Kirishima said something before he could. 'Hey dude, can you follow me?' the red head said it lowly so no one else would hear. Bakugou just nodded.

He followed Kirishima out of the crowd of people and into the fresh air. They walked through the school, not speaking a word to eachother. Bakugou nervously fiddled with his hands. He knew the time was getting closer and it made his heart want to jump out of his chest. Kirishima suddenly stopped under a cherry tree, the blossoms falling down romantically. This was all very cliché. 

Bakugou opened his mouth. 'I-' Kirishima whipped around and his big red eyes met Bakugou's. All of Bakugou's confidence trickled out of him like he was a ripped bean bag. After a moment of silence Kirishima spoke. 'I like you a lot.' he looked sort of lost and just spat it out. Bakugou took a sharp intake of breath but did not dare let it out. The red head didn't break eye contact and started to elaborate.

'I don't want us to walk away from here and never talk again.' he took the words right out of Bakugou's mouth. 'And I don't mean I want to keep being friends.' he said forwardly, Bakugou just stared, waiting for him to finish. But Kirishima was losing his voice. He stuttered on words and lost himself. In the end he held out a hand and yelled: 'Date me!' 

A blush had grown on the red head's cheeks and his mouth shut, waiting for Bakugou's reply. He was so incredibly overjoyed, his heart was having a party. Bakugou looked down at the other boy's extended hand. His whole body was moments away from shutting down so with his last spur of energy he grabbed Kirishima's hand. Kirishima looked at him in shock but noticed how flustered the blond was.

Kirishima smiled and intertwined their fingers, tangling them in hopes they would never part. 'I'll take that as a yes?' Bakugou just squeezed Kirishima's hand and let him pull the grumpy boy into an embrace. 'Sorry I put this off for so long.' the red head whispered into his hair. This is my soulmate. Bakugou wrapped his arms around Kirishima and breathed out a relieved sigh. 'Me too'

They walked slowly back to the hall, hands still clasped together. Bakugou felt so ready. He was ready to get his dream job and live his dream life with his dream man. His luck and happiness overwhelmed him for a second and he almost burst into tears. But now was not the time for cringey stuff like that. He turned to Kirishima and looked at his perfect face, hair blowing in the wind and eyes squinting a bit from the exposure to air. He had every right to stare at this man now, and he was going to take advantage of that.

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