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Kirishima and Bakugou had been dating for a few weeks now and the ditzy red head still smiled every time he thought about the angry blond's confession. Bakugou had grabbed his arm aggressively after class and demanded they talk about something. Kirishima had thought that Bakugou was about to end their friendship or something horrifying so he was quite shocked by what was actually said to him. 

"You went and stole my heart you idiot so now you have to take responsibility."

Kirishima chuckled fondly at the memory. Bakugou had said it so confidently even though his face screamed he was nervous. Obviously, Kirishima had accepted responsibility and now Bakugou was his, and he was Bakugou's. The two of them had decided not to tell any of their classmates but Kirishima had a feeling some of them were suspicious anyway.

Bakugou, Midoriya and Todoroki had been working at Endeavor's agency for the past few days and were finally coming back this evening. Kirishima had spent the whole day happily counting down the minutes till his boyfriend would return. The class were at dinner when Mr Aizawa came up to them. 

"I'm sure you're all aware that the troublesome trio will be arriving back at the dorms soon." Everyone was listening, curious as to why this needed an announcement. "But I am afraid there was an incident." People started whispering worriedly to each other and Kirishima felt his own heart drop in fear. Were they hurt? Was Bakugou ok?

"No need to worry, they are healthy and safe." Mr Aizawa continued after a few seconds. All the students exhaled in relief. "However all three were hit with a quirk that altered them a little." Kirishima gripped his hand on the table. "Altered? In what way?" He couldn't help but ask. Their tired teacher looked over at him. "They had a personality swap."

Class 1a crowded around the dorm door as Bakugou, Midoriya and Todoroki made their way towards the door. Everyone seemed to be a bit excited to see the change in their classmates. Mr Aizawa said that they had only swapped personalities with each other, so in theory, Bakugou would now have the personality of either Midoriya or Todoroki, which already unnerved Kirishima a little.

Midoriya opened the door and was instantly swarmed. "Hey Deku, how are you feeling?" asked Uraraka anxiously. "I am feeling perfectly pleasant thankyou," he replied with a stone cold face. "How are you Uraraka?" she sighed in relief, that certainly wasn't Bakugou's personality. "Get out of my way nerd!" Todoroki snapped, pushing past Midoriya and then plowing through the crowd. Everyone looked after him, a little surprised. 

"I can't believe Todoroki can act like Bakugou!" said Mina in awe. The door creaked open and they all whipped around, Kirishima stepped forward. This was it. Bakugou walked through the door and looked around at everyone. He locked eyes with Kirishima and his face physically lit up. His eyes crinkled and a smile spread across his face that was so sweet it could turn Sato into All Might.

"Hiya Eiji! Have you eaten yet?" Everyone turned their heads to Kirishima in confusion. Kirishima just gazed, star struck at his boyfriend. He should get the blond to smile more often. "Ah- Yeah!" he replied quickly, just regaining his composure. "What about you?" Bakugou smiled warmly and nodded at everyone politely as he made his way up to Kirishima. They all looked a little astounded and stood around, unsure of what to do next.

"We had a leaving party and I ate a ton of food," Bakugou let out a little chuckle and it was so adorable it melted Kirishima's heart. Their classmates stared at them for a bit but then slowly filtered away. Kirishima offered to help Bakugou unpack his things and Bakugou smiled and thanked him genuinely. Kirishima couldn't deny it was nice seeing Bakugou be all cute and precious but it was sort of weird.

What was much weirder however, was Todoroki going around and throwing insults at everyone. He kicked up his feet in the common room and loudly pronounced he was going to become the number one hero before anyone else. Midoriya ignored him plainly, with a deadpan look still resting on his face. Bakugou cringed a little at the noise but ignored him too. 

"Do you know how long this personality swap lasts?" Kirishima asked Mr Aizawa the next day. Their homeroom teacher unzipped his sleeping bag a little so he could speak properly. "I was told it should only last a few days but it could happen at any time, so it might be sudden." Kirishima nodded. He loved his Bakugou and was already missing the snarky comments and confident declarations. At the moment, it almost felt as if he was cheating on Bakugou.

Kirishima was dozing off, staring at a fly buzzing by the window. The little bug just couldn't seem to wrap its head around the fact that there was no way to go through the glass. Everybody was sharing English notes and Kaminari hopped over to Bakugou's desk. "Can I copy your notes?" he asked with his hands clasped together pleadingly. This is something no one would have ever dared to do before but this time Bakugou smiled and pushed his notes towards Kaminari.

"Sure! But you need to start doing your own." he said fondly. Kaminari started scribbling notes eagerly. "Thanks Sweetsuki!" A few people laughed at the nickname and Kirishima looked over at the two. He saw a shadow spread across the Blond's features. There was a thump as Bakugou stood up and slammed his hands on the table. 

"The hell did you call me?" He seethed. Kaminari looked up, his face full of fear and irritation. "Of course." he sighed exasperatedly. Bakugou wrenched his notes away and threw an explosion at the yellow haired boy for good measure. Kirishima smiled at him as he lectured Kaminari and then anyone who was brave enough to go near him. 

When class ended Kirishima skipped up to Bakugou. "How are you doing Kasuki?" The angry blond clicked his teeth, he was clearly in a bad mood. Kirishima's heart was full anyway. He wrapped an arm around Bakugou  and leaned over to his ear. 

"I love You."

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