Cold as hell

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Bakugou was laying glumly in his bed. It was 6am on a weekend and he had been sitting in a pool of his own sweat and coughing like an old hag all night. He hated getting sick. It would make him feel weak and tired and very unlike himself. The sun was peaking through the cracks in his curtains and shooting the burning rays into his eyes.

The blond boy sat up slowly and let out a long and exaggerated groan. Winter was approaching and as soon as he had exposed his skin to the air, cold had crept down his shoulders and arms, freezing him to the core. Screw this. He lay back down, though sticky and uncomfortable, and snuggled up in his blankets. Bakugou was fine with staying in bed late, he usually did anyway.

Hours slowly went by, most certainly taking their time. Bakugou would check his clock every now and then, only to find that mere minutes had passed. A gentle knock played at his door, but Bakugou was too out of it to notice. Another knock. 'Bakugou, you awake?' asked a soft voice. He heard that. The blond went to reply, but only a few strangled croaks came out of his mouth. 

The door opened suddenly and a tall, fully-dressed, red haired boy stood in the doorway. 'Damn dude, are you trying to give me a heart attack? You made some weird-as noise.' Bakugou turned his face to look at him and coughed a bit to clear his throat. 'Shove off.' was all he could manage.

The boy bounded over to Bakugou's bed and leant down. 'You sound awful bro,' he said. Bakugou rolled his eyes. 'Oh really stupid-hair?' he said, throat scratching the words. The other boy, Kirishima, placed a rough hand on his forehead. Bakugou tried to shove it off but his body couldn't find the strength. 

Kirishima walked to the door. 'I'll be back!' he said brightly, before running down the hallway. Bakugou just sighed and closed his eyes again. In contrary to the rest of his body, Bakugou's head was burning up. He groaned and rubbed it, unfortunately to no avail. 

A few minutes later the red head came waltzing back into the room. He was holding a steaming cup of tea, which seemed to be lemon, honey and ginger, and a damp cloth. Kirishima placed the cup carefully on Bakugou's bedside table and pushed Bakugou over onto his back. Bakugou whined a bit but in all honesty, he didn't really mind. Kirishima was probably the only one besides his mum he would let take care of him like this. The shark boy set the cloth down on Bakugou's head, instantly cooling it. Bakugou let out a sigh of relief.

Kirishima sat with him for a bit, not speaking a word but every so often he would go off to change the towel or help Bakugou take a sip of his drink. At some point Bakugou drifted off because when he opened his eyes again it had gone dark. He sat up and quickly regretted it when a pounding headache rushed to his brain. The cloth Kirishima had placed on Bakugou's head fell into his lap. Where was Kirishima? 

Moments later the door opened and the boy in question walked in with a tray. It held a bowl of hot soup along with some pain killers and a glass of water. 'Hey, you're up.' Kirishima said gently. Bakugou frowned. He was a bit mad at himself for letting Kirishima look after him like he was a small child. 'You didn't have to do this,' he said gruffly, staring at the tray as Kirishima put it on his lap.

Kirishima smiled and propped up his pillows so Bakugou could lean back. 'I love taking care of people important to me!' Bakugou blushed and busied himself with his soup. Kirishima sat down and took a pill from the packet of pain killers. He handed it to Bakugou and watched quietly as he swallowed it and got on with his food.

The lamp had been turned on and Bakugou was staring at the shadows behind it, refusing to make eye contact with the other person in the room. Kirishima, however, seemed to have no problem with staring at him, smiling even wider whenever he managed to catch Bakugou's eye.

When Bakugou had finished and placed his spoon back in the bowl Kirishima hastily picked up the tray and made for the door. 'I'll be back, do you want to have a shower or something?' Bakugou didn't want to get up, but he expected he was pretty stinky by now. He nodded and rested his head against the pillows. 

The other boy returned moments later. He grabbed some clean clothes for Bakugou and helped him up. Kirishima offered to carry Bakugou there but was met with a steely death stare, and decided to back off a bit. The red head waited outside while Bakugou cleaned up and got dressed. They met a few minutes later and walked back to Bakugou's room. 

Kirishima watched as he got into bed, the sheets had been changed (probably by a bored and shark toothed boy). Bakugou laid down and let Kirishima tuck him in. 'Tell anyone about today and I'll blow your head up.' he said, his voice a little smoother. 'Aye-aye captain!' Kirishima saluted and winked.

Kirishima then left, turning off the light and closing the door. Bakugou sat in the dark and quiet. His head was cooler and his body was warmer. The headache had almost gone and his voice was feeling better. He turned his body to face the wall. Soon enough Kirishima would be falling asleep in the bed through the wall. Bakugou smiled. He remembered Kirishima stroking his hair and laughing quietly at his phone while Bakugou had been resting. 

He would never tell anyone, but he liked the red head. Bakugou didn't mind if Kirishima spoke to him or touched him. He didn't even mind when the boy challenged him or messed with him. Kirishima stayed in Bakugou's thoughts until he fell asleep, and even then he dreamed of the red head's gentle smile and bright, loud voice, which had been surprisingly calm that day.

The blond had to admit that day wasn't his proudest, though he certainly didn't hate it.

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