the difference in timeline

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Nagato pov

I was walking slowly with both kawakaze and mutsu,

I have the feeling that something very VERY bad is going to happen

Nagato: kawakaze can you check on akagi

Kawakaze: as you wish nagato-sama

I continued my walk to the main conference room with mutsu, after mutsu and i got to the main conference room i talked with her about the current situation of sakura empire

Nagato: mutsu what us our current situation

Mutsu: about that nagato-nee... Not very good, about half of the empires shipirls are injured, and we dont have that much ships that are ready for battle

Nagato: that dire !?, we have to rejoin azur lane as fast as possible and cancel the orochi project, even if azur lane denies our request, we will try again to rejoin azur lane, we need their help to defeat our real enemy. The sirens

Mutsu was shocked and a little scared but she was determined to save the empire and its people

Mutsu then nodded, but before she could go out of the main conference room a big explosion happened


nagato: mutsu what was that !?

Mutsu: y-you should see this nagato-nee

I instantly ran with my riggings to see what was going on and saw...

Half of sakura empire is burning to the ground

Nagato: ...

I can only stand there to see sakura empire like this l, then i saw kawakaze running to where i was standing with mutsu

Kawakaze: nagato-sama... Akagi is gone with kaga...

Nagato: did you find them

I said with shadows covering my eyes

Kawakaze: yes...

Nagato: where...

Kawakaze: there

She pointed to the whole fleet of mass produced and high ranking siren

And i saw akagi and kaga standing beside them, but when i saw akagi and kaga, one tear fell from my eyes

Nagato: akagi... Kaga... Why...?

I fell to my knees

Kawakaze: ...

Mutsu: ...

Nagato: amagi certainly doesn't want this to happen to us after her death...

But then

???: Of course i dont want this to happen, but you are a leader nagato, you have to stay strong, i know you can do this, keep moving forward, and please take care of akagi and kaga for me

It was a familiar voice from my dreams before i was reincarnated to nagato

I looked up to see a smiling amagi...

Nagato: of course amagi

I said to my self as silent as possible while smiling

But the others could hear it

Nagato: kawakaze, mutsu gather everyone at the docks, and ready for an evacuation to the azur lane head quarters

At that mutsu and kawakaze was shocked

Mutsu: but our home land...

Nagato: just know that we are an empire because of its people, so everywhere we go the empire stays with us

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